Created by SMath LLC in the scope of SMath project. Published by smath.

SMath Studio

SMath Studio box

Tiny, but powerful mathematical program with WYSIWYG editor and complete units of measurements support.

It provides numerous computing features and rich user interface translated into about 40 different languages. Application also contains integrated mathematical reference book.

Free for personal usage! Plans for Organizations are available!

Application can be easily extended based on your needs. Built-in Extensions Manager tool allows to get access to hundreds official and third-party resources of the following types: usage examples, plug-ins, SMath Viewer based applications, snippets, interface translations, interactive books, handbooks and tutorials.

An amazing math tool, great job more...

by Amado Aguinaga

Tenho usado Mathcad por muitos anos, como estudante, como pesquisador e como engenheiro químico. Mas Mathcad se tornou inviável há alguns anos. É formidável ter uma ferramenta tão boa quanto ele de forma gratuita ou a curtos muito baixos como o SMath! Obrigado LLC SMath e Andrey Ivashov! more...

by Alexandre Umpierre

Très bon logiciel de calcul, avec de nombreux plugin pour tous les usages. Une fois qu'on s'habitue, on ne peut plus s'en passer. Je le recommande vivement. Outre les fonction mathématiques, Il est possible d'utiliser de nombreuses bibliothèques, comme par exemple la bibliothèque Coolprop pour les données thermodynamiques, ce qui permet d'avoir un outil très évolué pour faire et expliquer des calculs très rapidement. more...

by Vidal Silva