Feature SS-63
3 votes

Image editor region

Created by Martin Kraska on 3/24/2014 9:02 PM Last Updated by Martin Kraska on 8/25/2014 4:32 AM
Logged: 0   (hrs)


Provide a region which can be edited using an external program (e.g. paint).

Once inserted, double-click to launch editor. If the editor is closed, the image is saved and the region is updated.

That would be a substitute for the Ctrl-T region, which really lacks some basic tools.

    Martin Kraska (Monday, August 25, 2014 4:32 AM) #

Available in the Extension Manager (ImageRegion)


  • Can display image files (png, svn), and matrices
  • Double click launches the systems standard program for png-files. You may set that to your favorite editor, e.g. Windows Paint.
  • Image is stored inside the sm-file, much like in the Picture Region
  • Image is scaled to fit the region size while keeping aspect ratio

 Context menu provides options

  • to Import or Export images (no permanent link to the file name)
  • to restore the original (unscaled) size
  • to switch the border on/off

Image file name (png or svg) can be specified in the image placeholder (invisible by default). Then

  • if the file exists, region display is updated from file when recalculating
  • if file does not exist, it is created based on current region contents
  • Edit actions are performed using the specified file name

Compared to Picture region it lacks the ability to be created by drag and drop or by pasting images from clipboard. Also, editing is not "in place" but in an external program.

    Martin Kraska (Saturday, May 3, 2014 4:26 PM) #

In the SVN you find a plugin providing an editable image region (coded by Kay).

- Double click launches the systems standard program for png-files. You may set that to your favorite editor, e.g. Windows Paint.
- Context menu provides options to Import or Export images (no permanent link to the file name)
- Image is stored inside the sm-file, much like in the Picture Region
- Image is scaled to fit the region size while keeping aspect ratio (no reset option to original size yet)
- Image file name (png or svg) can be specified in the image placeholder (invisible by default). Then
- if the file exists, region display is updated from file when recalculating
- if file does not exist, it is created based on current region contents
- Edit actions are performed using the specified file name

Edit process:
- On double click, a temporary file is created if no file name is specified
- This file is sent to the image editor (based on system file type preferences)
- When you are done editing, just save the file and close the editor
- The modified file is read in
- Image is updated as soon as you leave the region.

Compared to Image region it lacks the ability to display matrix contents
Compared to Picture region it lacks the ability to be created by drag and drop or by pasting images from clipboard. Also, editing is not "in place" but in an external program.

Uni has agreed that we integrate the changes in the Image Region. This avoids the introduction of yet another image region.

Please do not use ImageEdit for serious work. We are not going to publish it in the online gallery and won't take care of ImageRegion being compatible with it.

    Martin Kraska (Friday, May 2, 2014 8:30 PM) #