Bug SS-115
1 vote

CheckBoxList Region: Selection is not saved properly

Created by Martin Kraska on 4/18/2014 4:14 AM Last Updated by Davide on 4/18/2014 2:09 PM
Logged: 0   (hrs)


If a checkboxlist is inserted in a file, then the option "selected" seems to render the saved file un-loadable. Only recovery is to delete the region from the file (or insert the right value, but I don't know what is expected)

High priority due to potential loss of work.


    Davide (Friday, April 18, 2014 2:04 PM) #

Thanks, even if is outdated (but not uploaded in the EM or in the SVN server; selected attribute was  replaced by a checked="Boolean" in each list element).

The plugin actually is only an Alpha (not public), so it's under heavy development (f.e. SS-103 it's not yet implemented).


When possible I'll upload for the testers a "transition plugin" to recover any file.