Bug SS-149
1 vote

Nonlinear Solvers: wrong error message in Taylor()

Created by Martin Kraska on 5/22/2014 5:28 PM Last Updated by Martin Kraska on 9/3/2018 1:46 PM
Logged: 0   (hrs)


If the derivatives cannot be computed by SMath, the function Taylor throws a wrong/useless error message.

Currently, this cannot be mitigated by switching on Maxima takeover for derivatives because Maxima does not handle correctly the special internal variable names of the Taylor() function.

You can, however, use the function taylor(expr, var, point, order) in Maxima.

    Martin Kraska (Monday, September 3, 2018 1:46 PM) #

cannot reproduce in 6671 because the derivatives of sech() and csch() are now known symbolically.