Provide correct and verbose help texts for the dynamic assistant:
Solve(): "Solve(eqn,var) solves eqn for var. eqn is a boolean equation or a list of equations, var is a variable name or a list of names to solve for. Returns solutions as boolean equations var=value. Multiple solutions are given as a row vector. Use Assign() in order to apply solutions as assignments to var."
Assign(): "Assign(eqn): converts the boolean equations var=expr into assignments var:=expr. Thus you can use the output of Fit(), Solve(), ODE2() directly for assigning the solution to the unknowns."
Maxima(): "Maxima(expr [,debug]): Process expr in Maxima. If the flag debug is given, the processing steps (SMath preprocessing, translation to Maxima, Maxima result, translation to SMath) can be inspected and modified in the debug window. Alternatively, use MaximaLog() to see what is done on Maxima side."
Draw2D(): "Draw2D(obj [, name] [, size]) creates a 2D plot using Maxima draw2d(). obj is a list of graphics objects (functions) or options (boolean equations option=value). name is an optional name for the output file. Format defaults to SVG (if name has no extension). Can be set to PNG by specifying name with png extension. If no name is given, a unique random temporary name is created and returned by the function. size is an optional list with (xpix, ypix). Size defaults to 300 x 240 pixels."
Draw3D(): "Draw3D(obj [, name] [, size]) creates a 3D plot using Maxima draw3d(). obj is a list of graphics objects (functions) or options (boolean equations option=value). name is an optional name for the output file. Format defaults to SVG (if name has no extension). Can be set to PNG by specifying name with png extension. If no name is given, a unique random temporary name is created and returned by the function. size is an optional list with (xpix, ypix). Size defaults to 300 x 240 pixels."
ODE.2(): "ODE.2(ode, f(x), x) solves an ordinary differential equation (max second order) for function f(x) with independent variable x. Returns a boolean equation f(x)=expr, which can be converted into an assignment using Assign()."
Fit(): "Fit(Data, var, function, params, init) Returns values for params which minimize the mean square error between data and function. Data columns correspond to entries in var list. params is a list of parameter names with initial values init (both given als list). Values are returned as list of equations var=value and can be assigned using Assign().