Feature SS-2260
3 votes

Show explicit values of formula's variables (partial evaluation) (equivalent of ->explicit as in Mathcad)

Created by jos.md on 2/6/2015 5:49 AM Last Updated by Davide on 8/20/2016 9:13 PM
Logged: 0   (hrs)


I would like that Smath Studio could show explicit values of formula's variables.

For example:




c=1+2  (This is the partial evaluation, it shows the explicit values of variables)

c=3      (This is the result)


It should be as an intermediate step of the evaluation. This function is in Mathcad, using the evaluation operator with the word "explicit,variable" (I have attached some examples). I would like this could be implemented in SMath Studio. This is importat for me, to elaborate manuals and materials for students.


In advance, thank you very much.

-Josué Mtz-

    dshuman (Thursday, June 4, 2015 9:20 AM) #

Unfortunately, the optimization->none seems not to work when variables have units. I'm also an engineer and need to show the intermediate steps of calculations, complete with units.

    jos.md (Friday, February 6, 2015 8:19 PM) #

I have the solution already.

(The solution is in SMath Forum with the name: Explicit values of formula's variables (partial evaluation). And the solution is using Optimization->None)


This case could be closed.

Thank you very much-