Feature SS-2262
1 vote

Format of exponents, mixed fractions, and periodic decimals.

Created by jos.md on 2/6/2015 6:29 AM Last Updated by jos.md on 2/6/2015 6:29 AM
Logged: 0   (hrs)



I would like that some mathematic elements used in SMath Studio could be in a more natural notation or in a better presentation. I could to recommend the next:

  • The use of a smaller size of the exponent number, than the base number (as natural math notation like mathcad).
  • The option to format the fractions as mixed fractions when possible. For example: 3/2 converted to  1  1/2.
  • The option of write periodic decimals, as natural way, this is write the number with a line over the period.


In advance, thank you very much.

-Josué Mtz-


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