Feature SS-2263
3 votes

Personalized format to XY graphics

Created by jos.md on 2/6/2015 6:56 AM Last Updated by Martin Kraska on 3/4/2015 12:38 AM
Logged: 0   (hrs)



I congratulate SMath Studio inventor, because this is a very useful application. Also for the graphic function it includes.

About XY graphics (I have attached an example of how I would like to format it). I would like it could be possible to personalize it in this aspects:

  • To show the scale next to the axis.
  • To configure the scale: minimum and maximum X and Y values (in the attached example, -9 to 9); the diference between values (module between marks, in the attached example, 1).
  • To hide the grid, but not the scale
  • To hide only an axis (X or Y)
  • To graphic 2 o more expressions on the same XY graphic.
  • (If it could be possible, draw also only a straight numeric.)


In advance, thank you very much.

-Josué Mtz-


    Martin Kraska (Wednesday, March 4, 2015 12:35 AM) #

This can be done using the Maxima plugin and the Image Region.