Feature SS-2264
1 vote

Text format and option to copy expressions

Created by jos.md on 2/6/2015 7:12 AM Last Updated by Davide on 8/20/2016 9:25 PM
Logged: 0   (hrs)



I would like I could have more tools to format the text o a document. In specific, a could recommend the next:

  • Underline and fill color, only to a part of a text region (not to all the text in the same region, just the selected part of the text)
  • Create tables in document.
  • Place mathematic expresions in the middle of a text region (otherwise, a tool to divide the text region, and then place the mathematic expression between the text)
  • Copy the operations and expresion to clipboard, so it could be possible to paste them in Microsoft Word.
  • (If it could be possible, open the new .mcdx format of Mathcad Prime documents)


In advance, thank you very much.

-Josué Mtz-

    Davide (Saturday, August 20, 2016 9:24 PM) #

Points 1,3,4 already possible with WriterRegion; point 2 probably will be addressed in TableRegion;