I try to import this file:
# 26.03.2015 21:23:37
# Die im Projekt definierten Parameter sind:
# P1 - Rissbreite [mm], P2 - Energiestichprobe Minimale Dehnung [mJ], P3 - Verschiebungskomponente Minimum [mm], P4 - Verschiebungskomponente Maximum [mm]
# Die folgende Kopfzeile definiert die Spaltennamen bezogen auf die Parameter.
Name, P1, P2, P3, P4
DP 0, 1, 953.21939380094409, 0.0950802490115166, 0.0955634638667107
DP 1, 2, 956.042785577476, 0.094592787325382233, 0.096615619957447052
DP 2, 3, 961.45152181060985, 0.093749739229679108, 0.098540745675563812
DP 3, 4, 970.16604395536706, 0.092531807720661163, 0.10150127112865448
DP 4, 5, 983.52901369857136, 0.090867139399051666, 0.10583864897489548
The columns are separated by komma, the decimal separator is the period.
Thus the setting importData(name, ".", ""; "," ....) should work.
However, it doesn't. The actual behaviour is dependent on
the dec setting inside SMath
the dec setting in windows (this is different between Davide and me in the forum topic on this issue
This is very dangerous, as it may lead to wrong data being imported.