Bug SS-2268
1 vote

Factorial vs selection

Created by Davide on 4/13/2015 5:58 PM Last Updated by smath on 4/13/2015 7:10 PM
Logged: 0   (hrs)


Please check (experienced in the latest beta version 5581, don't know in the previous beta)

  1. Write a number or a variable name on the canvas
  2. select it (double-click)
  3. press the exclamation mark ! or the factorial button on the palette
  4. glitches appears

    smath (Monday, April 13, 2015 7:10 PM) #

This was really an old bug.


    smath (Monday, April 13, 2015 6:00 PM) #

Thank you!

Reproduced. The same bug recreated on 0.97.5576 version and with cloud version.