Feature SS-2430
1 vote

Snippets in the dynamic assistant

Created by Martin Kraska on 2/2/2017 12:12 PM Last Updated by smath on 2/4/2017 12:20 AM
Logged: 0   (hrs)



Use the description in the file properties (as displayed in the extension manager) as help text in the dynamic assistant.

Bug-Report (small glitch):

The size of the callout window in the dynamic assistant is not big enough for the german "Code-Baustein"


    smath (Saturday, February 4, 2017 12:20 AM) #

Thank you!

Additional related observation found - "Functions without specified description not fully supported by autocomplete." (thanks to Davide)


- Description of the snippet is now shown in tooltip;

- Tooltip footer can be multiline now;

- Functions without description shown correctly in tooltip.