Bug SS-2434
1 vote

GUI takes minutes to appear

Created by mathkai on 2/26/2017 11:31 PM Last Updated by smath on 10/17/2017 11:35 PM
Logged: 0   (hrs)


I have just stored the portable version of SMathStudio_Desktop.exe on my PC (Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bits, Quadcore CPU). From tne second start on it takes several minutes after launching the process until the GUI appears on the desktop. Used  RAM as indicated by the Windows Task manager increases slowly from around 4 MB to approximately 33 MB. After opening the "Open file"-window used RAM increases gradually to 47 MB and does not decrease after closing the window without loading any file.


    smath (Tuesday, October 17, 2017 11:35 PM) #

I have reviewed logic of plug-ins loading and fixed many weak places. Performance improved as well.

    Davide (Monday, February 27, 2017 6:50 PM) #

Issue may comes from a plug-in, from Firewall settings or internet connection;

The first can be checked running the following in a command prompt window (digit cmd in the start menu and move to the portable path cd "C:\..."):

SMathStudio_desktop.exe -s -i

For the second you have to take a look on the settings of your firewall. Even you can open settings.inf and change UpdateOnStart=1 to UpdateOnStart=0 on line 18.