The attached file is created in 6622 and saved. When opened in 6647 then the significant digits option is lost.
Both program versions have the same settings.
In the sm-file, no particular settings info is stored for the result region. Then I would expect the program presets to be applied, which isn't the case because the significant digits option is activated in both program versions.
<region id="3" left="0" top="99" width="164" height="41" color="#000000" bgColor="#ffffff" fontSize="10">
<e type="operand">F.x</e>
<e type="operand">2</e>
<e type="operator" args="2">^</e>
<e type="operand">F.y</e>
<e type="operand">2</e>
<e type="operator" args="2">^</e>
<e type="operator" args="2">+</e>
<e type="function" args="1">sqrt</e>
<result action="numeric">
<e type="operand">4.47</e>
<e type="operand" style="unit">N</e>
<e type="operator" args="2">*</e>
In the settings object, a selection of settings is stored (significant digits option is missing, perhaps that is the bug)
What settings are stored here, is that the presets of the program acting upon save of the file?
Is that some file-specific pre-set?