When there are regions in the "annotation area" (out of the right margin), switching to "Pages view" mode show greyed zones at the end of the pages (i.e. page 1 and page 2 at the end of the attachment)
smath (Wednesday, March 21, 2018 7:59 PM) #
No, it is not possible to exclude this content.
The real issues are:
Davide (Wednesday, March 21, 2018 3:48 AM) #
I see it... It's ok on the page content, a little less for aything outside (at least until is not possible to inspect that area in pages view mode; maybe it is possible to exclude that content from the shift (?))
> DoubleClick on it to collapse it.
I was able to trigger it once, now no more, even in a new worksheet using a couple of tet regions... there are requirements to trigger the collapse on double click? (not checked the code)
smath (Tuesday, March 20, 2018 11:52 PM) #
Most likely (I cannot open your worksheet right now) in your case the are some regions out of bounds of the screen which are located on the top/bottom bounds of the pages, so that editor moves them to the next page (in order to show them fully) and displays grey areas, which are "booked" by these regions.
smath (Tuesday, March 20, 2018 11:43 PM) #
Grey zone at the bottom of page is not something bad actually :)
DoubleClick on it to collapse it.
To understand what grey zone is just create some region with big height, set red cursor before the region and start pressing Enter keyboard button.
When region will be close to page bottom continue pressing Enter and see what is happening. You will see a nature of this zone.