Bug SS-3565
1 vote

Maxima Plot Region: Fix interactive mouse actions for log plots

Created by Martin Kraska on 9/14/2018 5:55 PM Last Updated by Martin Kraska on 9/16/2018 11:07 PM
Logged: 0   (hrs)


Make sure that the lower limit in log plots isn't negative

Adjust the pan and zoom algorithms for log plots (panning is by multipying rather than adding)

use appropriate default values for limits of log plots when switching to mouse setting, Even better, try to get the automatic range and start from there.

    Martin Kraska (Sunday, September 16, 2018 11:07 PM) #

Range check implemented in SVN 2837

Retrieving the automatic range from gnuplot is possible but not supported in Maxima.

    Martin Kraska (Sunday, September 16, 2018 7:56 PM) #

Mouse zoom works. ToDo:

  • Default setting when switching on mouse control still wrong.
  • Range checking when switching to log plot still missing.

    Martin Kraska (Saturday, September 15, 2018 5:15 PM) #

Mouse pan works.

Default setting when switching on mouse control still wrong.

Range checking when switching ob log plot still missing.

Zoom still needs rework but seems to be stable.