Bug SS-4639
1 vote

Occasional incomplete rendering when expanding a collapsed area region

Created by Martin Kraska on 9/14/2020 12:39 AM Last Updated by Martin Kraska on 9/14/2020 12:50 AM
Logged: 0   (hrs)


Sometimes, if a collapsed region is expanded, then parts of the worksheet fail to render. The next mouse action usually triggers re-drawing but the first impression is that something went wrong.

Observed with 7561 with the getting started guide

SMath Studio: SMath Studio Desktop 0.99.7561.40250, 64-bit
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0; Windows 10 Pro, 64-bit
Screen: 1920x1080 px, 96x96 dpi, 96 GP.CDPI
Localization: language=GER; dec.symbol=<comma>; arg.separator=<semicolon>; OS dec.symbol=<comma>; OS arg.separator=<semicolon>; OS d.g.separator=<period>; units=ger;
Framework: CLR 4.0.30319.42000

    installed versions:
    v2.0.50727    2.0.50727.4927 SP2
    v3.0    3.0.30729.4926 SP2
    v3.5    3.5.30729.4926 SP1
        Client    4.8.03752
        Full    4.8.03752

- [AppDir] Area Region - 0.99.7561.40250
- [AppDir] HTMLFileType - 1.14.7561.40250
- [AppDir] ImageFileType - 1.11.7561.40250
- [AppDir] Math Region - 0.99.7561.40250
- [AppDir] PictureRegion - 1.10.7561.40250
- [AppDir] PlotRegion - 1.11.7561.40250
- [AppDir] SMathFileType - 1.11.7561.40250
- [AppDir] SpecialFunctions - 1.12.7561.40250
- [AppDir] SpecialFunctions - 1.12.7561.40250
- [AppDir] StandardToolboxButtons - 1.1.7561.40250
- [AppDir] TextRegion - 1.11.7561.40250
- [AppDir] ViewerFileType - 1.1.7561.40250
- [AppDir] XMCDFileType - 1.12.7561.40250
- [UserDir] 3D Plot Region (Chart3DLib) - 0.1.7435.26966
- [UserDir] 3D Plot Region (Chart3DLib) - 0.1.7435.26966
- [UserDir] ALGLIB® - numerical analysis library - 1.0.7175.33522
- [UserDir] Checkbox Region - 1.0.7390.37678
- [UserDir] CheckBoxList Region - 1.0.7480.25273
- [UserDir] Combobox Region - 0.1.7390.37698
- [UserDir] ComboBoxList Region - 1.0.7480.25291
- [UserDir] Conditionally Formatted Label - 1.0.7480.25296
- [UserDir] CoolProp Wrapper - 6.1.7474.37622
- [UserDir] Currency Units - 1.1.6871.3570
- [UserDir] Custom Functions - 1.1.7486.2690
- [UserDir] Custom Glyphs - 1.1.7200.16176
- [UserDir] Data Exchange - 1.1.6858.3747
- [UserDir] Development Tools - 1.1.7490.41956
- [UserDir] DISLIN 10.6 - 0.1.6888.24494
- [UserDir] DotNumerics - 1.1.7166.24796
- [UserDir] EFI for SMath Studio - 1.0.7165.40625
- [UserDir] EXCEL (2003+) I/O with recalculation and PNG export - 2.0.7459.26653
- [UserDir] Excel Files Plugin - 1.3.7100.21176
- [UserDir] FFTPACK - 1.0.6825.4311
- [UserDir] FIR Filter Design - 1.0.7165.39130
- [UserDir] GPC Wrapper - 1.0.7259.35146
- [UserDir] Hyperlink Region - 1.0.7390.37653
- [UserDir] Image Region - 2.99.7100.21996
- [UserDir] include - 0.2.7443.30544
- [UserDir] Maple Tools - 1.1.7442.27161
- [UserDir] Maple Tools - 1.1.7442.27161
- [UserDir] Maple Tools - 1.1.7442.27161
- [UserDir] Mathcad File Access Functions - 1.0.7243.36103
- [UserDir] Matlab C++ Math Library - 1.0.7171.7547
- [UserDir] MaximaPlugin - 1.98.7100.23756
- [UserDir] Modeller Region - 1.0.7100.42534
- [UserDir] Nonlinear Solvers - 1.1.7097.23301
- [UserDir] Numeric Up-Down Region - 1.0.7408.3041
- [UserDir] ODE Solvers - 0.2.7456.34381
- [UserDir] ODE Solvers - 0.2.7456.34381
- [UserDir] PDF Files Plugin - 1.0.7097.27694
- [UserDir] Pie Chart Region - 1.0.7097.30323
- [UserDir] RadioButtonList Region - 1.0.7480.25320
- [UserDir] Script Region - 0.2.7257.23470
- [UserDir] Slider Region - 1.0.7100.22009
- [UserDir] Snapshot Region - 1.0.7100.22017
- [UserDir] Statistical Tools - 1.0.6824.32561
- [UserDir] Table Region - 0.3.7557.19317
- [UserDir] Text Region Utilities - 0.4.7200.15920
- [UserDir] Writer Region - 0.22.7200.15900
- [UserDir] XlsxImportExport - 1.3.6996.39330
- [UserDir] X-Y Plot Region (JXCharts) - 0.2.7445.40782
- [UserDir] X-Y Plot Region (JXCharts) - 0.2.7445.40782


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