Unassigned SS-4666
1 vote

Multiple line text box line spacing

Created by Kirk Wilson on 6/11/2021 7:20 PM Last Updated by smath on 6/11/2021 11:14 PM
Logged: 0   (hrs)


when creating a multiple line text box, there is now excess line space between the individual lines within the text box. There needs to be a way to correct this so the line spcing looks right, or is variable.

    smath (Friday, June 11, 2021 11:13 PM) #

  1. Use Shift+Enter to insert line break (standard behaviour you are looking for);
  2. Use Ctrl+Enter to insert new paragraph.

Please check this post to find out a reason: https://en.smath.com/forum/yaf_postsm67258_Document-mode.aspx#post67258

Best regards.