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 IdTitleVotesCategoryCreatorOwnerAssignedTypeMilestoneAffected MilestoneStatusPriorityResolutionDue DateEstimation (hrs)ProgressTime Logged (hrs)CreatedLast UpdateLast Update User
SS-4726How is cenforce 200 mg tablet unique? 1 Extensions Alldaygenericmeds . Alldaygenericmeds . smath Feature General General Unassigned Normal Duplicate 2/6/2026 0.00
0 10/17/2024 10/17/2024 Alldaygenericmeds .
SS-4694Vidalista 20mg | An Effective Medication for ED | Arrowrxpills 1 Extensions Bruce Bruce smath Feature General General Waiting for review High Unassigned none 0.00
0 1/25/2024 9/14/2024 David Smith
SS-4644[mono] crash on startup in linux with Text Region Utilities 1 Extensions Mike Mike smath Unassigned General General Unassigned Normal Unassigned none 0.00
0 10/1/2020 10/1/2020 Mike
SS-2365[DEV][silent mode] enable options to be passed to the Store 1 Extensions Davide Davide smath Feature General General Waiting for review Low Unassigned none 0.00
0 8/5/2016 8/5/2016 Davide
SS-2333XMCD save vs PictureRegions crash 1 Extensions Davide Davide smath Bug General General Waiting for review Normal Unassigned none 0.00
0 4/30/2016 4/30/2016 Davide
SS-169[DEV][ER] Wrong error message and unable to upload again an extension previously deleted 1 Extensions Davide Davide smath Correction General General In progress Normal Unassigned none 0.00
0 7/4/2014 4/17/2016 Davide
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