Symbol | Name | Category | Value |
° | Degree | Angle | π/180 |
°C | Celsius | Temperature | K-273.15 |
°F | Fahrenheit | Temperature | (9/5)K-459.67 |
°Ra | Rankine | Temperature | |
°Re | Réaumur | Temperature | |
A | Ampere | Electric Current | |
acre | Acre | Area | 4046.8564224 m2 |
amp | Ampere | Electric Current | |
Angstrom | Angstrom | Length | m/1010 |
atm | Atmosphere | Pressure | 101,325 kg/m s2 |
B | Byte | Information | 8 bit |
bar | Bar | Pressure | 100,000 kg/m s2 |
barn | Barns | Area | m2/1028 |
bit | Bit | Information | |
bohr | Bohr | Length | 52,918 m /1011 |
BTU | British thermal unit | Energy | 1055.05585262 kg m2/s2 |
byte | Byte | Information | 8 bit |
c | Speed of light | Velocity | 299,792,458 m/s |
C | Coulumb | Charge | A s |
cal | Calorie | Energy | 4.1868 kg m2/s2 |
cd | Candela | Luminous intensity | |
cm | Centimeter | Length | m/100 |
coul | Coulumb | Charge | A s |
day | Day | Time | 86,400 s |
deg | Degree | Angle | π/180 |
dm | Decimeter | Length | m/10 |
dpi | Dots per inch | Resolution | 39.3700787401575/m |
dyn | Dyne | Force | kg m/100,000 s2 |
dyne | Dyne | Force | kg m/100,000 s2 |
e | Number e | Constant | 2.7182818284590451 |
e | Elementary charge | Charge | 1.60217648740*1014 As |
erg | Unit of energy/work | Energy | 10-722 |
F | Farad | Capacitance | A2s4/kg m2 |
farad | Farad | Capacitance | A2s4/kg m2 |
ft | Foot | Length | 0.3048 m |
furlong | Furlong | Length | 201.168 m |
g | Gravitational acceleration | Viscosity, dynamic | 9.80665 m/s2 |
G | Gauss | Magnetic flux density | kg/ 10,000 A*s2 |
GN | Newtonian constant of gravitaion | Constant | 6.6742867*10-11 m3/kg s2 |
gal | Gallon | Volume | 0.0037854119678 m3 |
gauss | Gauss | Magnetic flux density | kg/ 10,000 A*s2 |
GB | Gigabyte | Information | 8,000,000,000 bit |
GHz | Gigahertz | Frequency | 1,000,000,000/s |
GiB | Gibibyte | Information | 8589934592 bit |
GJ | Gigajoule | Energy | 1,000,000,000 kg m2/s2 |
gm | Gram | Mass | kg/1000 |
GN | Giganewton | Force | 1,000,000,000 kg m/s2 |
gon | Grad | angle | π/200 |
GPa | Gigapascal | Pressure | 1,000,000,000 kg/m s2 |
grad | Grad | angle | π/200 |
GW | Gigawatt | Power | 1,000,000,000 kg m2/s3 |
Gy | Gray | Dose | m2/s2 |
h | Planck constant | Constant | 6.6260689633*10-34 kg m2/s |
H | Henry | Induction | kg m2/s2A2 |
hectare | Hectare | Area | 10,000 m2 |
henry | Henry | Induction | kg m2/s2A2 |
hhp | Water horsepower | Power | 746.043 kg m2/s3 |
hp | Horsepower | Power | 745.69987158227 kg m2/s3 |
hr | Hour | Time | 3600 s |
Hz | Hertz | Frequency | 1/s |
i | Imaginary unit | constant | -11/2 |
in | Inch | Length | 0.0254 m |
J | Joule | Energy | kg m2/s2 |
joule | Joule | Energy | kg m2/s2 |
k | Boltsmann constant | Constant | 1.380650424*10-23 kg m2/K s2 |
K | Kelvin | Temperature | |
kA | Kiloampere | Electric current | 1000 A |
katal | Katal | Catalytic activity | mol/s |
kB | Kilobyte | Information | 8000 bit |
kcal | Kilocalorie | Energy | 4186.8 kg m2/s2 |
kg | Kilogram | Mass | |
kgf | Kilogram Force | Force | 9.80665 kg m/s2 |
kHz | Kilohertz | Frequency | 1000/s |
kiB | Kibibyte | Information | 8192 bit |
kip | Kip | Force | 4448.2216152605 kg m/s2 |
kJ | Kilojoule | Energy | 1000 kg m2/s2 |
km | Kilometer | Length | 1000 m |
kmol | Kilomole | Substance | 1000 mol |
kn | Knot | Velocity | 463/900 m/s |
kN | Kilonewton | Force | 1000 kg m/s2 |
knot | Knot | Velocity | 463/900 m/s |
kPa | Kilopascal | Pressure | 1000 kg/m s2 |
kph | Kilometers per hour | Velocity | 5/18 m/s |
ks | Kilosecond | Time | 1000 s |
ksf | Kilo-pounds per square foot | Pressure | 47880.2589803358 Pa |
ksi | Kilo-pounds per square inch | Pressure | 6894757.29316836 Pa |
kV | Kilovolts | Potential | 1000 m2kg/s3A |
kW | Kilowatt | Power | 1000 kg m2/s3 |
kΩ | Kiloohm | Resistance | 1000 kg m2/s3A2 |
L | Liter | Volume | m3/1000 |
lb | Pound | Mass | 0.45359237 kg |
lbf | Pound force | Force | 4.4482216152605 kg m/s2 |
liter | Liter | Volume | m3/1000 |
lm | Lumen | luminous intensity | cd |
lx | Lux | Illuminance | cd/m2 |
m | Meter | Length | |
mA | Milliampere | Electric Current | A/1000 |
MB | Megabyte | Information | 8,000,000 bit |
mC | Millicoulumb | Charge | A s/1000 |
me | Electron mass | Mass | 9.1093821545*10-31 kg |
mF | Millifarad | Capacitance | A2s4/1000 kg m2 |
mg | Milligram | Mass | kg/1,000,000 |
Mg | Megagram | Mass | 1000 kg |
mH | Millihenry | Inductance | kg m2/1000 s2A2 |
MHz | Megahertz | Frequency | 1,000,000/s |
mi | Mile | Length | 1609.344 m |
MiB | Mebibytes | Information | 8,388,608 bit |
micron | Micrometer | Length | m/1,000,000 |
mile | Mile | Length | 1609.344 m |
min | Minute | Time | 60 s |
mJ | Millijoule | Energy | kg m2/1000 s2 |
MJ | Megajoule | Energy | 1,000,000 kg m2/s2 |
mL | Millileter | Volume | m3/1,000,000 |
mm | Millimeter | Length | m/1000 |
mmole | Millimole | Substance | mol/1000 |
mn | Neutron mass | Mass | 1.67492721184*10-27 kg |
mN | Millinewton | Force | kg m/1000 s2 |
MN | Meganewton | Force | 1,000,000 kg m/s2 |
mol | Mole | Substance | |
mole | Mole | Substance | |
mp | Proton mass | Mass | 1.67262163783*10-27 kg |
MPa | Megapascal | Pressure | 1,000,000 kg/m s2 |
mph | Miles per hour | Velocity | 1397/3125 m/s |
ms | Millisecond | Time | s/1000 |
mu | Unified atomic mass | Mass | 1.6605388628*10-27 kg |
mV | Millivolts | Potential | m2kg/1000 s3A |
mW | Milliwatts | Power | kg m2/1000 s3 |
MW | Megawatts | Power | 1,000,000 kg m2/s3 |
MΩ | Megaohm | Resistance | 1,000,000 kg m2/s3A2 |
N | Newton | Force | kg m/s2 |
NA | Avogadro's number | Constant | 6.022141510*1023 / mol |
nA | Nanoampere | Current | A/1,000,000,000 |
nC | Nanocoulumb | Charge | A s/1,000,000,000 |
nF | Nanofarad | Capacitance | A2s4/1,000,000,000 kg m2 |
nm | Nanometer | Length | m/1,000,000,000 |
ns | Nanosecond | Time | s/1,000,000,000 |
nV | Nanovolts | Potential | m2kg/1,000,000,000 s3A |
nW | Nanowatts | Power | kg m2/1,000,000,000 s3 |
ohm | Ohm | Resistance | kg m2/s3A2 |
oz | Ounce | Mass | 0.028349523125 kg |
P | Poise | Viscosity, dynamic | kg/10 m s |
pA | Picoampere | Electric current | A/1012 |
Pa | Pascal | Pressure | kg/m s2 |
pC | Picocoulumb | Charge | A s/1012 |
pF | Picofarad | Capacitance | A2s4/1012 kg m2 |
pm | Picometer | Length | m/1012 |
poise | Poise | Viscosity, dynamic | kg/10 m s |
ps | Picosecond | Time | s/1012 |
psf | Pounds per square foot | Pressure | 47.8802589803358 kg/m s2 |
psi | Pounds per square inch | Pressure | 6894.75729316836 kg/m s2 |
pV | Picovolts | Potential | m2kg/1012 s3A |
pW | Picowatts | Power | kg m2/1012 s3 |
R | Gas constant | Constant | 8.31447215 kg m2/K mol s2 |
rad | Radian | Angle | 1 |
radpm | Radians per minute | Frequency | π/30s |
rev | Revolution | Angle | 2π |
rpm | Revolutions per minute | Frequency | 1/60s |
s | Second | Time | |
sec | Second | Time | |
slug | Slug | Mass | 14.5939029372064 kg |
Smoot | Smoot | Length | 1.7018 m |
St | Stokes | Viscosity, kinematic | m2/10,000 s |
stokes | Stokes | Viscosity, kinematic | m2/10,000 s |
Sv | Sievert | Dose | m2/s2 |
t | Metric ton | Mass | 1000 kg |
T | Tesla | Magnetic flux density | kg/A s2 |
TB | Terabyte | information | 8,000,000,000,000 bit |
tesla | Tesla | Magnetic flux density | kg/A s2 |
TiB | Tebibyte | Information | 8,796,093,022,208 bit |
TJ | Terajoule | Energy | 1012 kg m2/s2 |
TN | Teranewton | Force | 1012 kg m/s2 |
ton | Ton | Mass | 907.18474 kg |
tonf | Ton Force | Force | 8896.443230521 kg m/s2 |
tonne | Metric Ton | Mass | 1000 kg |
tonnef | Metric Ton Force | Force | 9806.65 kg m/s2 |
torr | Torr | Pressure | 133.322368421053 kg/m s2 |
V | Volts | Potential | m2kg/s3A |
volt | Volts | Potential | m2kg/s3A |
W | Watt | Power | kg m2/s3 |
watt | Watt | power | kg m2/s3 |
yd | Yard | length | 0.9144 m |
yr | Year | Time | 31,556,925.975 s |
μA | Microampere | Current | A/1,000,000 |
μC | Microcoulumb | Charge | A s/1,000,000 |
μF | Microfarad | Capacitance | A2s4/1,000,000 kg m2 |
μg | Microgram | Mass | kg/1,000,000 |
μH | Microhenry | Inductance | kg m2/1,000,000 s2A2 |
μm | Micrometer | Length | m/1,000,000 |
μmol | Micromole | Substance | mol/1,000,000 |
μN | Micronewton | Force | kg m/1,000,000 s2 |
μs | Microsecond | Time | s/1,000,000 |
μV | Microvolts | Potential | m2kg/1,000,000 s3A |
μW | Microwatt | Power | kg m2/1,000,000 s3 |
Ω | Ohm | Resistance | kg m2/s3A2 |
π | Number pi | Constant | 3.1415926535897931 |
&mu0; | Magnetic constant|| Constant | 4&pi*10-7 kg m/s2 A2 |