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Page Revision: 2009/09/21 12:02
Here are vector/matrix built in sorting functions:
sort('vector') - Returns a 'vector' with the values sorted in ascending order.
rsort('matrix/vector','number') - Returns a 'matrix/vector' formed by rearranging columns until specified row,'number', is in ascending order.
csort('matrix/vector','number') - Returns a 'matrix/vector' formed by rearranging rows until specified column,'number', is in ascending order.
reverse('matrix/vector') - Reverses the order of rows in a matrix, or of elements in a vector.
A simple example of using these functions is presented:

HINT: 2D plot can be represented as two-column matrice.
The first column is x-vector and the second is y-vector.
If we want to sort this matrix first and then plotting, we need to use