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Page Revision: 2012/08/13 15:13

trace(var#1,var#2,...,var#n) trace evaluations through the Output window.

Returns a string containing the value of the arguments with output order and surrounding text specified by first argument. Specifying of the first text argument is optional.

trace(...) it's a function introduced to help users with script's debug.


if var#1 is not a text, trace(...) returns comma separated values


if var#1 is a text, trace(...) returns the string (no other values)


if var#1 is a trace-formatted text, trace(...) returns a string according with var#1 pattern.

to show variable values with custom text/order you must insert into curly brackets the trace() variable position index;

variable position index is 0 for var#2, 1 for var#3, 2 for var#4, etc...


NOTE: curly brackets can be added typing "shift" + "[" for "{" and "shift" + "]" for "}"

trace(...) output can force evalutation, placing before the position index:

  • S: for symbolic evalutation

  • N: for numeric evalutation



trace() can be used:

  • directly, like a common function requiring numerical (=) or symbolical (→) evalutation

  • directly, inside for loops (at least one operation must be performed inside the loop)

  • directly, inside line() (at least one operation must be performed inside the line())


  • SMath 0.91 (stable): first relase

See also


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