Page History: Extensions Manager

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Page Revision: 2013/06/11 02:53


A brief description of this SMath Studio feature.

A menu should be used when there are many sections or wide sections; this help the user to have an idea of the entire page content in a single view.

1st section

Lorem ipsum...

2nd section

Lorem ipsum...

3rd section

Lorem ipsum...

Known issues

to inform the developers about issues you found out use the forum: bugs&problems

There are several main known issues about ...:
  • 1st issue;
  • 2nd issue;
  • 3rd issue;
  • ...

Only main issues should be written in the wiki; everything a user could reasonably think there should be but there is not. For everything else there's the forum :)


  • SMath 0.78 (stable): Added ....;
  • SMath 0.89.8 (Beta): Added ....;
  • ...

As for the issues, only main changes should be written in the wiki.
But... why the history? If you share a worksheet, someone that use an old Smath Studio version could have some issue reading your file;
moreover opening an old worksheet, something could be changed. In any case it's useful to see in a fast way what changes.

See also


ScrewTurn Wiki version 2.0.37. Some of the icons created by FamFamFam.