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Built In Functions
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="1" | Name || Description |- | abs(number) || Absolute value |- | acos(number) || Inverse cosine |- | acosh(number) || Inverse hyperbolic cosine |- | acot(number) || Inverse cotangent |- | acoth(number) || Inverse hyperbolic cotangent |- | acsc(number) || Inverse cosecent |- | ainterp(x-vector, y-vector, number) || Akima-spline interpolated value at number for data vector x-vector and y-vector of the same size (Vector is a column matrix) |- | alg(matrix, number, number) || Cofactor (algebraic signed minor) of matrix |- | arg(number) || Angle from the real axis to the given complex number |- | asec(number) || Inverse secent |- | asin(number) || Inverse sine |- | asinh(number) || Inverse hyperbolic sine |- | atan(number) || Inverse tangent |- | atanh(number) || Inverse hyperbolic tangent |- | augment(…) || Returns a matrix formed by placing arguments left to right. Arguments are matrices or column vectors having the same number of rows, or they are scalars and row vectors. |- | break || Terminates the execution of the nearest enclosing loop in which it appears. Control passes to the statement that follows the terminated statement, if any. |- | cinterp(x-vector, y-vector, number) || Returns a cubic spline interpolated value at number for data vectors x-vector and y-vector of the same size (Vector is a column matrix) |- | col(matrix, number) || Returns the specified column of the matrix/vector |- | cols(matrix) || Returns the number of columns of the matrix/vector |- | concat(…) || Concatenating strings |- | continue || Ends the current iteration of a loop |- | cos(number) || Cosine |- | cosh(number) || Hyperbolic cosine |- | cot(number) || Cotangent |- | coth(number) || Hyperbolic cotangent |- | csc(number) || Cosecantc |- | csch(number) || Hyperbolic cosecant |- | csort(matrix/vector, number) || Returns a matrix/vector formed by rearranging rows until specified column is in ascending order |- | description("name") || Returns Description text of the definition “name” using current language |- | det(matrix) || Matrix determinate |- | dfile(filename) || Remove file from file system |- | diag(vector) || Returns a square matrix containing on its diagonal the elements of vector (Vector is a column matrix) |- | diff(2)(expression, variable) || Differentiate (dx/dy) |- | diff(3)(expression, variable) || Differentiate (d2x/dy2) |- | el(matrix, vector) || Returns the specified element of the vector |- | el(matrix, number, number) || Return the element of the matrix mij |- | error(string) || Shows standard SMath Studio error tip with text form the function argument |- | eval(expression) || Converts the given expression from symbolic to numeric notation |- | exp(number) || Exponential function e raised to the power number |- | findrows(matrix, expression, number) || Retrieves all rows of matrix where expression is specified in column number. Returns 0 if no matches found. |- | findstr(string, string) || Returns vector of start position of second string insider first string. Returns -1 if no match found |- | for(3)(increment, vector, body) || For loop |- | for(4)(increment, condition, action, body) || For loop |- | Gamma(number) || Gamma function calculation |- | grads(number) || Evaluate in Grads |- | identity(number) || Returns an nxn identity matrix. n must be a positive integer |- | if(condition, true, false) || Returns the "true statement" if logical "condition statement" is true (non-zero). "false statement" otherwise. |- | Im(number) || Imaginary part of complex number |- | importData(filename) || Returns a matrix of loaded data from specified file using default parsing parameters |- | importData(filename, decimalSymbol, argumentsSeparator, columnsDelimiter, fromRow, toRow, fromColumn, toColumn, isSymbolic) || Returns a matrix of loaded data from specified file. Function can be used with 1-9 of the arguments specified. Digit 0 (zero) can be used for the arguments (except filename) to get the built in default values. |- | int(express, number, number, variable) || Definite integral |- | invert(matrix/number) || Inverted value |- | IsDefined("expression") || Returns 1 if all variables and functions in the expression is defined, 0 - otherwise. (*) |- | IsString(argument) || Returns 1 if specified argument is a string. 0 otherwise |- | Jacob(vector,vector) || Returns the Jacobian matrix of the vector function (*) |- | length(matrix/vector) || The number of elements in matrix or vector. Returns a scalar |- | line(…) || Draws a line for a subroutine |- | linterp(x-vector, y-vector, number) || Returns a linearly interpolated value at number for data vectors x-vector and y-vector of the same size. (Vector is a column matrix) |- | ln(number) || Natural logarithm |- | log(number, number) || Logarithm of number to the specified base (second number) |- | log10(number) || Base 10 logarithm of number |- | mat(…) || Matrix |- | matrix(rows, cols) || Returns a matrix of size specified filled with zeros |- | max(matrix/vector) || Returns the largest element of matrix/vector. If any value is complex returns max(Re(…))+i*max(Im(…)) |- | min(matrix/vector) || Returns the smallest element of matrix/vector. If any value is complex returns min(Re(…))+i*min(Im(…)) |- | minor(matrix, number, number) || Minor of matrix |- | mod(number, number) || Returns the remainder on dividing the first argument by the second. Arguments must be real |- | norm1(matrix) || Returns the L1 norm of the matrix |- | norme(matrix) || Returns the Euclidean norm of the matrix |- | normi(matrix) || Returns the infinite norm of the matrix |- | nthroot(number, number) || Root |- | num2str(expression) || Converts specified math expression to a string |- | numden(expression) || Returns a 2 element vector of numerator and denominator values of expression |- | perc(number, percent) || Percentage |- | pol2xy(number, number) || Converts the polar coordinates of a point in 2D space to rectangular coordinates |- | polyroots(vector) || Returns all the roots of the polynomial whose coefficients are in argument vector |- | product(expression, number, number, variable) || Iterated product |- | random(number) || The random number from 0 to the arguments value |- | range(2)(number, number) || Returns a vector of values within the specified range with step equal to 1 |- | range(3)(number, number, step) || Returns a vector of values within the specified range with step equal to step |- | rank(matrix) || Matrix rank |- | Re(number) || Returns the real part of complex number |- | reverse(matrix/vector) || Reverses the order of rows of matrix or of element in a vector |- | rfile(filename) || Read math expression from file |- | roots(vector1,vector2) || Finds roots for system of nonlinear equations. Returns the values of vector2 to make the set of functions vector1 equal to zeros. (*) |- | roots(vector1,vector2,vector3) || Finds roots for system of nonlinear equations according to specified approaches vector3. Returns the value of vector2 to make the set of functions vector1 equal to zeros. (*) |- | round(number, number) || Rounds the real number x to n places |- | row(matrix/vector, number) || Returns the row of the matrix/vector |- | rows(matrix/vector) || Number of rows of the matrix/vector |- | rsort(matrix/vector, number) || Returns a matrix formed by rearranging columns until specified row is in ascending order |- | sec(number) || Secant |- | sech(number) || Hyperbolic secant |- | sign(number) || Returns 0 if x=0, 1 if x>0, and -1 otherwise. Argument must be a real number |- | sin(number) || Sine |- | sinh(number) || Hyperbolic sine |- | solve(2)(expression, variable) || Returns real roots of expression with respect to variable |- | solve(4)(expression, variable, lower, upper) || Returns real roots of expression with respect to variable in the interval between lower and upper |- | sort(vector) || Returns a vector with the values sorted in ascending order |- | sqrt(number) || Square root |- | stack(…) || Returns a matrix formed by placing arguments top to bottom. Arguments are matrices or column vectors having the same number of columns, or they are scalars and column vectors. |- | str2num(string) || Returns math expression formed by converting from specified string |- | strlen(string) || Returns the number of characters in specified string |- | strrep(originalString, oldString, newString) || Replaces all occurrences of oldString within originalString with newString |- | submatrix(matrix, i_row, j_row, i_col,j_col) || Returns the submatrix consisting of elements in rows i_row through j_row and columns i_col through j_col |- | substr(string, number) || Returns a substring of string. Where number is a starting character position of substring. |- | substr(string, number1, number2) || Returns a substring of string. Where number1 is a starting character position of substring; number2 is a length of result string. |- | sum(matrix) || Summation of the vector/matrix elements |- | sum(expression, number, number, variable) || Summation of an expression “matrix” in summation variable “increment” with lower limit “number1” and upper limit “number2” |- | sys(…) || Multiple values |- | tan(number) || Tangent |- | tanh(number) || Hyperbolic tangent |- | tr(matrix) || Matrix trace. Sum of the element on the main diagonal (the diagonal from the upper left to the lower right) of a square matrix |- | trace(…) || Returns a string containing the value of the arguments with output order and surrounding text specified by first argument. Output values in the Output Window. Specifying the first text argument is optional. |- | transpose(matrix/vector) || Matrix transpose |- | trunc(number) || The integer part of a real number by removing the fractional part |- | vminor(matrix,number, number) || Returns submatrix of matrix excepting the specified row and column |- | wfile(expression,filename) || Write math expression to file. If file with filename existing function will overwrite it. Will return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise |- | while(condition,body) || Function of iterations. The cycle carries out a body while the condition is true. Important: in a body any quantity of expressions by means of function line(…) can be set. |- | xy2pol(number,number) || Converts the rectangular coordinates of a point in 2D space to polar coordinates. |}
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