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Tutorials for creating Plugins
==Tutorials for creating Plugins== You can find updated tutorials [|in the forum] (SS 0.98) For SMath Studio prior to 0.98 Please reference the tutorials below. The particular programming language that was used in the tutorial is noted. Please see the [IDE and Language for developing plugins|IDE and programming languages] page for information on the IDE environments and programming languages that may be used to develop plugins for SMath. ==Visual C#== ===Plugin Type: Low-level Expression Evaluation=== [|Visual C# Tutorial on creating plugin for Smath (Video)]{BR} ===Plugin Type: Numeric Expression Evaluation=== Tutorial to be added later{BR} ===Plugin Type: Symbolic Expression Evaluation=== Tutorial to be added later{BR} ==Visual Basic== ===Plugin Type: Low-level Expression Evaluation=== [{UP}Developer Guide/Tutorial on creating plugin for Smath.pdf|Visual Basic Tutorial on creating plugin for Smath (PDF)]{BR} [|Visual Basic Tutorial on creating plugin for Smath (Video)]{BR} ===Plugin Type: Numeric Expression Evaluation=== Tutorial to be added later{BR} ===Plugin Type: Symbolic Expression Evaluation=== Tutorial to be added later{BR}
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