Bug SS-2317
1 vote

Toolbar font-size vs font-size of saved RegionEvaluable

Created by Davide on 4/13/2016 8:03 PM Last Updated by smath on 4/16/2016 1:58 AM
Logged: 0   (hrs)


Since SS 0.98, if you open a file containing RegionEvaluable, the font size of these regions changes to the one in the toolbar (see attachment)

- open SS 0.97.*, change font size, open the file -> it is shown as it was saved;

- open SS 0.98.*, change font size, open the file -> it is shown with all fonts changed to the one in the toolbar;



    smath (Saturday, April 16, 2016 1:57 AM) #

Thank you! Fixed.