Correction SS-2428
1 vote

Data Exchange: Wrong help strings

Created by Martin Kraska on 1/29/2017 6:23 PM Last Updated by Davide on 2/1/2017 12:15 PM
Logged: 0   (hrs)


The help strings give wrong indications on what the default path for export is. The help says it is the current directory, actually it is the document directory.

I attached the translation sheet for english and german with the appropriate changes.

BTW, entries for fwrite() are missing in the translation sheet.

    Davide (Wednesday, February 1, 2017 12:15 PM) #


Plug-in updated

    Martin Kraska (Wednesday, February 1, 2017 3:22 AM) #



// fwrite
            langDictionary["fwrite_export_description_2"] = "Exportiert den Inhalt von \"1:variable\" in die Datei \"2:string\" (SMath-Textformat) im Verzeichnis des aktuellen SMath-Dokuments. Rückgabewert 1 bei Erfolg.";
            langDictionary["fwrite_export_description_3"] = "Exportiert den Inhalt von \"1:variable\" in die Datei \"2:string\" (SMath-Textformat) im Verzeichnis \"3:string\". Rückgabewert 1 bei Erfolg.";

    Davide (Monday, January 30, 2017 1:33 PM) #

I agree.

Translations strings for fwrite:

            // fwrite
            langDictionary["fwrite_export_description_2"] = "Export \"1:variable\" strings into a \"2:string\" text file; the file will be placed in the directory of the current SMath document. The function returns '1' if successful.";
            langDictionary["fwrite_export_description_3"] = "Export \"1:variable\" strings into a \"2:string\" text file; the file will be placed in the \"3:string\" path. The function returns '1' if successful.";