Bug SS-64
7 votes

Overlapping regions in a document shared between computers with non-standard DPI

Created by kilele on 3/24/2014 9:37 PM Last Updated by smath on 1/11/2018 9:18 PM
Logged: 0   (hrs)


Overlapping regions and change of font size when a document is opened on computers with different DPI settings.

Everyone could change their dpi settings to the standard ones as explained for example here :


However, depending on your monitor this type of changes may kill your eyes, not always standard dpi is the best configuration for your screen. 

For now, you may be forced to change/guess the proper dpi every time a person shares a worksheet with you.


SMath should track the original dpi with which the original worksheet was created and deal automatically with dpi settings for you.

    smath (Thursday, January 11, 2018 9:17 PM) #

I have finally fixed overlapping the regions!

There are some other issues like incorrect size of the regions on print out when DPI is not equal to 96, but this will be addressed later.

    Davide (Tuesday, October 11, 2016 1:24 AM) #

Summarized most relevant issues I can see related to DPI using Windows DPI scaling (a TODO list for the future):

- splash screen background tiled; loading screen itself appears correctly scaled;

- worksheet's grid not scaled (in a 200% view they appears like @ 96 DPI -> tiles appears 1/4 of the area they should have);

- worksheet's cursor not scaled;

- worksheet's printing bounds not scaled,

- printing limits not scaled;

- rich scrollbars not scaled (half the width of the system scrollbars);

- toolboxes' titlebar not scaled (height and expand/collapse button);


    oxel007 (Thursday, April 28, 2016 1:41 AM) #

Issue is not solved. It affects both the display of regions in SMath and printing of images. In currently the print preview will not show the contents of the image region correctly no matter what setting is used (100%, 125% or 150%).


See attached files

    Davide (Sunday, April 24, 2016 8:27 PM) #

Unfortunately seems not solved.

Attached a test file with Text regions, Math regions and Writer regions; screenshot provided @96 DPI (100% in W7 custom DPI settings) and @144 DPI (150% in W7 custom DPI settings)


    smath (Saturday, March 26, 2016 2:31 PM) #

Please check if this issue is still actual.

I've tried to change dpi settings and play with SMath Studio - everything looks correct.