Version 2.0.8501.16571
Additional components that add new mathematical functions to the SMath Studio program, necessary for solving problems from various fields.
(x) modified bessel function of the first kind I0(x). -
dspl_butter_ap("1:number", "2:number")
(x) calculates the transfer function H(s) coefficients of analog normalized lowpass Butterworth filter. -
dspl_butter_ap_zp("1:number", "2:number")
(x) calculates arrays of zeros and poles for analog normlized lowpass Batterworth filter transfer function H(s). -
(x) calculates the n-point discrete Fourier transform complex signal x. -
(x) calculated n-points FFT for the complex vector x. -
dspl_cgoertzel("1:vector", "2:vector")
(x) calculates samples of n-point DFT, according to ind indexes vector (Goertzel algorithm). -
dspl_cheby1_ap("1:number", "2:number")
(x) calculates the transfer function H(s) coefficients of analog normalized lowpass Chebyshev type 1 filter. -
dspl_cheby1_ap_zp("1:number", "2:number")
(ord,rp) calculates arrays of zeros and poles for analog normlized lowpass Chebyshev type 1 filter transfer function H(s). -
dspl_cheby2_ap("1:number", "2:number")
(rs,ord) calculates the transfer function H(s) coefficients of analog normalized lowpass Chebyshev type 2 filter. -
dspl_cheby2_ap_zp("1:number", "2:number")
(ord,rs) calculates arrays of zeros and poles for analog normlized lowpass Chebyshev type 2 filter transfer function H(s). -
(x) calculates the n-point inverse discrete transform Fourier complex spectrum x. -
(x) calculates n-point IFFT of complex data x. -
dspl_concat("1:vector", "2:vector")
(a,b) concatenate arrays a and b. -
dspl_conv("1:vector", "2:vector")
(a,b) convolves two complex vectors. -
dspl_decimate("1:vector", "2:number")
(x,d) decimates the real vector x by d times. -
(x) calculates the n-point discrete Fourier transform real signal x. -
dspl_ellip_ap("1:number", "2:number", "3:number")
(rp,rs,ord) calculates the transfer function H(s) coefficients of analog normalized lowpass elliptic filter. -
dspl_ellip_ap_zp("1:number", "2:number", "3:number")
(ord,rp,rs) calculates arrays of zeros and poles for analog normlized lowpass elliptic filter transfer function H(s). -
dspl_farrow_lagrange("1:vector", "2:number", "3:number")
(s,p,q) resamples the input signal s by p/q times. -
dspl_farrow_lagrange("1:vector", "2:number", "3:number", "4:number")
(s,p,q,frd) resamples the input signal s by p/q times with a fractional delay offset frd. -
dspl_farrow_spline("1:vector", "2:number", "3:number")
(s,p,q) resamples the input signal s by p/q times. -
dspl_farrow_spline("1:vector", "2:number", "3:number", "4:number")
(s,p,q,frd) resamples the input signal s by p/q times with a fractional delay offset frd. -
dspl_fcoeff("1:vector", "2:vector", "3:number", "4:number")
(t,x,T,nw) calculates Fourier series coefficient for real vector x. -
(x) calculated n-points FFT for the real vector x. -
dspl_fft_mag("1:vector", "2:number")
(x,fs) calculates the frequency response for a real vector x. -
dspl_fft_mag("1:vector", "2:number", "3:string")
(x,fs,flag) calculates the frequency response for a real vector x. -
(x) perform a shift of the vector x, for use with the fft and ifft functions, in order to move the frequency 0 to the center. -
dspl_filter_freq_resp("1:vector", "2:vector", "3:number", "4:vector", "5:string")
(b,a,ord,w,flag) calculates magnitude, phase response and group delay vectors for digital or analog filter. -
dspl_filter_iir("1:vector", "2:vector", "3:number", "4:vector")
(b,a,ord,s) calculates real IIR filter output for real signal s. -
dspl_fir_linphase("1:number", "2:number", "3:number", "4:string", "5:string", "6:number")
(ord,w0,w1,ftype,wtype,wprm) calculates linear-phase FIR filter coefficients by window method. -
(x) flips complex vector x in the memory. -
dspl_freqs("1:vector", "2:vector", "3:number", "4:vector")
(b,a,ord,w) calculates the values of the complex gain H(jω) of the analog filter. -
dspl_freqz("1:vector", "2:vector", "3:number", "4:vector")
(b,a,ord,w) calculates the values of the complex gain H(e^jω) of the digital filter. -
dspl_fseries("1:matrix", "2:vector")
(ws,t) reconstructs the time function from Fourier series coefficients. -
dspl_fseries("1:vector", "2:vector", "3:vector")
(w,s,t) reconstructs the time function from Fourier series coefficients. -
dspl_goertzel("1:vector", "2:vector")
(x,ind) calculates samples of n-point DFT, according to ind indexes vector (Goertzel algorithm). -
dspl_group_delay("1:vector", "2:vector", "3:number", "4:string", "5:vector")
(b,a,ord,flag,w) calculates group delay for digital or analog filter. -
dspl_iir("1:number", "2:number", "3:number", "4:number", "5:number", "6:string")
(rp,rs,ord,w0,w1,ftype) calculates the coefficients of the digital IIR filter transfer fucntion H(z). -
dspl_linspace("1:number", "2:number", "3:number", "4:string")
(x0,x1,n,type) fills a vector with n linearly spaced elements between x0 and x1. -
dspl_logspace("1:number", "2:number", "3:number", "4:string")
(x0,x1,n,type) fills a vector with n logarithmically spaced elements between 10^x0 and 10^x1. -
(n) returns vector filled by ones values. -
dspl_phase_delay("1:vector", "2:vector", "3:number", "4:string", "5:vector")
(b,a,ord,flag,w) calculates phase delay for digital or analog filter. -
(n) generates a binary unipolar [0, 1] pseudo-random vector. -
(n) generates a binary unipolar [-1, 1] pseudo-random vector. -
dspl_randi("1:number", "2:number", "3:number")
(n,start,stop) generates a pseudo-random vector of integers ranging from start to stop inclusive. -
dspl_randinit("1:string", "2:number")
(type,seed) pseudorandom numbers generators initialization. -
dspl_randn("1:number", "2:number", "3:number")
(n,mu,sigma) generates a vector of normally distributed pseudo-random numbers. -
(n) generates a vector of uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers in the range from 0 to 1. -
dspl_scale_lin("1:vector", "2:number", "3:number", "4:number", "5:number")
(x,xmin,xmax,dx,h) vector x linear transformation. -
(x) returns the sum of the elements of a real vector x. -
(x) returns the sum of squares of the elements of a real vector x. -
dspl_window("1:number", "2:string")
(n,wtype) calculates a periodic or symmetric window function. -
dspl_window("1:number", "2:string", "3:number")
(n,wtype,wprm) calculates a periodic or symmetric window function.