Version 0.97.5737
Stable (released at 9/16/2015)
Author: Andrey Ivashov
- Added ability to paste inside text element of MathRegion;
- Internal: Symbol for 'minus/plus' operator changed from '%';
- '%' symbol can be used for variables, text and units inside Math region now;
- Ignore Units feature implemented for Math Region (required for engineers in some cases, when equation contains constants without specified units);
- High definition scrolling finally supported (scrolling was not possible with some Microsoft mouses);
- Added ability to delete installed plug-ins;
- Dialog with failed to load plug-ins allows to update them without opening Extensions Manager;
- Trailing zeros option of Math Region performs evaluation after change;
- Scrolling to focused region significantly improved;
- Displaying of simplification results improved for some cases;
- Icon for beta-extensions improved;
- Improvements for developers done;
- Experimental support for default output units system choosing implemented (WARNING: not all conversions available yet);
- Esperanto language added;
- Thai language added;
- Language files updated;
- Refactoring.
- Scrolling within Reference Book restored;
- Fixed issue appeared when newer version of built-in plug-in required for worksheet opening;
- Fixed issue when items from Menu > Insert not updated after new plug-in(s) installed;
- SS-170: Unwanted automatic Image region resize on file open to fit into printing bounds fixed;
- SS-2268: Broken equation on inserting factorial or boolean not operators for selected equation's part fixed;
- Displaying sum(1) and int(2) functions corrected;
- Handling of erorrs on evaluation performed by Custom Regions plug-ins improved (stability improvement);
- Replacements of units on copy/paste fixed (f.e. 'g->'g.e);
- Various critical errors fixed happened on paste of inconsistent equation part;
- Fixed calculation exception happens sometimes when working with plus-minus and minus-plus operators;
- Critical issue on closing worksheet fixed;
- Saving to .SM/.SMZ improved;
- Ar unit usage corrected for German localization.
Changes history