Version 0.98.5935
Stable (released at 4/1/2016)
Author: Andrey Ivashov
- Calculation performance significantly improved (see timings in the following screenshots);
- SS-92: Search functionality implemented;
- Rich scrollbars implemented to display positions of current cursor, all the errors on the worksheet and search results (with navigation to exact location on click);
- Progress of the following operations is now shown in status bar: file opening, file saving, worksheet calculation;
- Performance of parsing large SMath Studio files significantly improved;
- Performance of worksheet save operation significantly improved;
- Print item enabled for SMath Studio files in Windows Explorer context menu;
- Function vectorize(..) implemented;
- UnitsOf(..) function implemented;
- Function appVersion(..) implemented;
- For Boolean AND and OR operators only required parts are calculated. Unnecessary calculations are skipped now;
- Comparing of symbolic equations improved;
- MSI installer is now signed by SHA256 code certificate;
- All assemblies in package are dual-signed;
- Logic of handling plug-ins to evaluate expressions completely redesigned (it became much more efficient);
- List of loaded plug-ins sorted alphabetically into Extensions Manager;
- SS-154: Square brackets is now used for displaying matrices;
- SS-125: Inserting Chinese symbols fixed;
- SS-2291: Displaying of large matrices in equation output improved;
- Function time(..) documented and updated to be visible in functions list;
- Function findrows(..) improved to work with numeric evaluations inside;
- Performance of Examples view load in Extensions Manager significantly improved;
- Ability to print worksheet using command prompt implemented (-silent -p default;
- Command prompt interface extended to allow worksheet testing (-silent -t;
- Numeric library improved to avoid displaying unnecessary "1" in expressions like "1*'unit";
- Worksheet recalculation now starts on toggling of Disable/Enable evaluation context menu item;
- Performance for visualization of large expressions increased;
- Memory usage improvements when working with images on worksheet open/save;
- Performance improved for numeric library;
- Errors displaying improved (empty errors fixed, error visibility for focused region corrected for some cases);
- Shell context menu items localized;
- SMath Studio Desktop Live menu item (Help main menu) renamed to SMath Studio in the Cloud;
- Automatic release date setting on build implemented (no incorrect dates in About dialog anymore);
- Interface translations updated;
- Refactoring.
- Source worksheets opened from Examples dialog cannot be overridden by Save button anymore;
- Fixed issue regarding limited number of matrix/vector cells (maximum was at 32765) for SM/SMZ files;
- SS-1225: Fixed crash on worksheet saving when background image is set;
- SS-2297: Numeric comparing of matrices with different dimensions fixed (issue happened when values in both matrices were the same but dimensions differ);
- Multi-threading issue appears sometimes on worksheet save fixed (for large worksheets with background set);
- Symbolic engine error fixed (because of specific conditions internal static parameters were changed, which caused further calculations to fail);
- Keystroke fixed for adding Separator region;
- Fixed issue appears when two or more plug-ins handles the same Term;
- SS-112: Fixed issues when it was impossible to open file because of incorrect color specified in file content;
- Registering file in Recent menu on save fixed;
- Displaying file as changed (star in window title) fixed in several cases;
- Multi-threading issue fixed for environments with slow performance when displaying results of calculations;
- Critical issues fixed happens for some types of evaluation plug-ins;
- SS-2307: Situations when functions cannot be overridden fixed;
- SS-27: Fixed issue with missing brackets if units of complex results are manually specified;
- Artefacts fixed for functions implemented in plug-ins in cases when Display input data set to false for region using context menu;
- Fixed multi-threading related issue when error was shown instead of the calculation result;
- SS-51: Issue partially handled: behavior is correct in case of work with one collapsed area - space will be adjusted automatically;
- SS-2305: Situations when it was impossible to paste part of the equation into another equation fixed;
- SS-2280: Graphic glitch in Extension Manager form on plugin uninstall fixed;
- SS-2298: Exception on pressing Open button from Donate dialog fixed;
- SS-206: Unexpected worksheet scrolling on pressing Delete/Backspace when cursor is in the right part of equation fixed;
- SS-35: Missing tooltips from side panel fixed;
- SS-2302: Function sum(..) caused application crash with big matrices;
- Function trace(..) output switched to use standard delimiters instead of specific for user;
- Displaying of error restored on region focus lost after right part of definition is not defined;
- Situations when parenthesis was hidden in answer fixed.
Changes history