Version 0.99.7813
Beta (released at 5/23/2021)
Author: Andrey Ivashov
- Search improved for all Regions based on Holder Region like all Regions for plotting and some others;
- DEV: Added support for plug-in which can manage input/output calculation data;
- TextRegion improved to support right padding for paragraphs (manual edit of file required).
- Functionality of the importData(9) function restored;
- Default font size and family are preserved for Text Region in a Worksheet/Document now;
- Displaying of several windows of previewed SMath Viewer is fixed for cases when Regions selected on a Worksheet;
- Fixed issue when Plot Region handles operation of pasting text from Clipboard;
- Calculation error with not recognized variable happens when its name contains decimal symbol fixed;
- Freezed answer happened after copying Math Regions using Ctrl+Mouse move fixed.
- SMath Studio updated to make TextRegion not critically required plug-in;
- Minor improvements to TextRegion (selection, context menu);
- Refactoring.
Changes history