Version 0.99.7818
Beta (released at 5/28/2021)
Author: Andrey Ivashov
- SMath Viewer apps extended to support Save/Open functionality (allows to load initial data to the app and extract calculation results from it);
- Text Region improved to accept input from right toolbar buttons and Insert Function dialog;
- Equation parts can now be pasted to Text Region from Clipboard (can be turned/off/on using conext menu: Automatic replacement > Clipboard).
- Locale related issues fixed in Math Region (appears on paste and when it is shown inside Holder Region, f.e. as a part of Plot Region);
- Handling of the plug-ins failed to be updated automatically improved;
- Math Region prioritized to handle Paste from Clipboard operation first.
- Support for Document mode improved (Page break Area Region made invisible; inactive area under the page break is not highlighted by color anymore);
- Text Region improved (better handling of Backspace; better back-compatibility; critical issues fixed);
- Refactoring.
Changes history