Functions (11 items):
- CoolProp_get_fluid_param_string("1:string", "2:string") — (FluidName, ParamName) Get a string for a value from a fluid FluidName: The name of the fluid that is part of CoolProp, for instance "n-Propane" ParamName: A string, can be in one of "aliases", "CAS", "CAS_number", "ASHRAE34", "REFPROPName", "REFPROP_name"
- CoolProp_get_global_param_string("string") — (ParamName) Get a globally-defined string ParamName: A string, one of "version", "errstring", "warnstring", "gitrevision", "FluidsList", "fluids_list", "parameter_list","predefined_mixtures"
- CoolProp_get_param_index("string") — (Name) Returns the index of a parameter Name: The parameter name, one of "Tcrit", "D", "H", etc...
- CoolProp_get_parameter_information_string("1:string", "2:string") — (Key, Output) Get a parameter information string Key: A string Output: A string, one of "IO", "short", "long", "units"
- CoolProp_HAProps("1:string", "2:string", "3:number", "4:string", "5:number", "6:string", "7:number") — (Output, Name1, Prop1, Name2, Prop2, Name3, Prop3) Return a humid air property Output: The output parameter, one of "T", "D", "H", etc... Name1: The first state variable name, one of "T", "D", "H", etc... Prop1: The first state variable value Name2: The second state variable name, one of "T", "D", "H", etc... Prop2: The second state variable value Name3: The third state variable name, one of "T", "D", "H", etc... Prop3: The third state variable value
- CoolProp_Phase("1:string", "2:number", "3:string", "4:number", "5:string") — (Name1, Prop1, Name2, Prop2, FluidName) Return a string representation of the phase Name1: The first state variable name, one of "T", "D", "H", etc... Prop1: The first state variable value Name2: The second state variable name, one of "T", "D", "H", etc... Prop2: The second state variable value FluidName: The fluid name
- CoolProp_Props("1:string", "2:string", "3:number", "4:string", "5:number", "6:string") — (Output, Name1, Prop1, Name2, Prop2, FluidName) Return a value that depends on the thermodynamic state Output: The output parameter, one of "T", "D", "H", etc... Name1: The first state variable name, one of "T", "D", "H", etc... Prop1: The first state variable value Name2: The second state variable name, one of "T", "D", "H", etc... Prop2: The second state variable value FluidName: The fluid name
- CoolProp_Props1("1:string", "2:string") — (FluidName, Output) Return a value that does not depends on the thermodynamic state FluidName: The fluid name Output: The output parameter, one of "Tcrit", "D", "H", etc...
- CoolProp_saturation_ancillary("1:string", "2:string", "3:number", "4:string", "5:number") — (FluidName, output, Q, input, value) Extract a value from the saturation ancillary FluidName: The name of the fluid to be used - HelmholtzEOS backend only output: The desired output variable ("P" for instance for pressure) Q: The mass vapor quality, 0 or 1 input: The input variable name, one of "T", "D", "H", etc... value: The input value
- CoolProp_set_reference_stateD("1:string", "2:number", "3:number", "4:number", "5:number") — (FluidName, T, RhoMolar, h0, s0) Set the reference state based on a thermodynamic state point specified by temperature and molar density FluidName: The name of the fluid T: Temperature at reference state [K] RhoMolar: Density at reference state [mol/m^3] h0: Enthalpy at reference state [J/mol] s0: Entropy at references state [J/mol/K]
- CoolProp_set_reference_stateS("1:string", "2:string") — (FluidName, ReferenceState) Set the reference state based on a string representation FluidName: The name of the fluid ReferenceState: The reference state to use, one of "IIR", "ASHRAE", "NBP", "DEF", "RESET"