Версия 0.99.7045
Бета (опубликовано 16.04.2019)
Автор: Андрей Ивашов
- Performance of rendering Worksheets with large Regions (when height or/and width bigger than Worksheet bounds) significantly improved.
- Support for Regions with height larger than available Worksheet Page height significantly improved in Pages rendering mode;
- Automatic disabling of Multiple pages feature for the old-style Worksheets (when content is written out of pages bounds) implemented;
- Graphical glitches fixed;
- Support for complex document layout improved;
- Behavior of the Page Setup dialog improved;
- Added possibility to work with Collapsed Areas in Header/Footer;
- Multiple accuracy issues fixed in symbolic calculation engine;
- Overall calculation accuracy improved.
- Splitted view functionality temporary disabled;
- Refactoring.
История изменений