Версия - Стабильная (опубликовано 03.02.2025)
- Реализована вспомогательная логика, помогающая пользователям использовать ранее встроенные плагины сохранения расчётов в .exe и .xmcd, вынесенные в онлайн галерею;
- Улучшено диалоговое окно «Параметры страницы», чтобы можно было выбирать доступные замены из выпадающих списков для верхнего и нижнего колонтитула;
- В размерность "Яркость" добавлена не относящаяся к системе СИ единица измерения нит;
- Добавлен перевод интерфейса на исландский язык.
- Исправлена проблема, возникавшая при установке параметра дробей в режим «Авто» (форматирование результата теряло знаменатель);
- Исправлено использование одного и того же символа как для логического «исключающего ИЛИ», так и для символа денежной единицы;
- Исправлено использование символов «больше» и «меньше» в текстовых областях;
- Восстановлена возможность создания нескольких пустых листов в пользовательском интерфейсе программы нажатием кнопки «Новый расчёт»;
- Исправлена проблема рендеринга: восстановлена поддержка рисования открытых путей SVG;
- Исправлены опечатки в переводе на русский язык.
- Значение по умолчанию точности операторов «Приблизительное равенство» установлено в значение 3;
- Увеличена скорость запуска приложения засчёт оптимизации загрузки строенных дополнений;
- Улучшено диалоговое окно «Вставить единицу измерения» для отображения длинных названий единиц измерения;
- Перевод интерфейса улучшен в диалоговом окне предварительного просмотра печати;
- Опция «Все файлы» удалена из фильтра диалогового окна открытия файла, поскольку она не имеет смысла;
- Обновлены переводы интерфейса.
Версия 1.2.9018 - Стабильная (опубликовано 09.09.2024)
- Реализована функциональность смешанных чисел (математическая функция, форматирование результата через контекстное меню, кнопка на боковой панели, глобальная настройка в опциях программы);
- Элементы листа, в которых включена опция Игнорирования единиц измерения, отображаются в пунктирном желтом прямоугольнике в качестве предупреждения об их особой обработке в расчёте;
- В диалоговое окно Параметры страницы добавлена опция Скрывать выделение элементов, чтобы избежать выделения элементов запрещённых к вычислению и тех, в которых включена опция Игнорирования единиц измерения;
- В список единиц измерения добавлена Базовая валюта для измерения Деньги.
- Тип ответа (дроби) теперь не сбрасывается в элементе листа при инициализации вычисления в нём (например, по нажатию на "=" внутри формулы);
- Исправлена загрузка файлов расчётов, содержащих текстовые элементы с недопустимыми шестнадцатеричными символами;
- Исправлена критическая ошибка, возникающая при отображении списка динамической помощи ввода, содержащего математические выражения с нарушенным синтаксисом;
- Настройки параметров страницы, такие как Отображать Области при печати/Использовать "=" вместо знаков определений и вычислений теперь применимы для печати из SMath Viewer;
- Изменение опции Игнорирования единиц измерения теперь инициирует создание отдельного шага истории изменений для функциональности Отменить/Повторить.
- Обновлены переводы интерфейса;
- Различные улучшения и оптимизация кода.
Версия 1.1.8763 - Стабильная (опубликовано 29.12.2023)
- Для организаций представлена отдельная редакция SMath Studio - SMath Studio Enterprise (встроенная поддержка анонимной аутентификации и локальных серверов лицензирования; брендирование программы и т.д.);
- Статус открытого документа только для чтения теперь отображается в строке состояния;
- Реализован простой логгер для Windows версий SMath Studio.
- Удалены водяные знаки при печати для приложений Viewer;
- Исправлена критическая ошибка, возникавшая иногда при использовании Динамической помощи ввода с большим количеством элементов, связанная с многопоточностью;
- Исправлена проблема, из-за которой можно было изменять содержимое листа во время расчета при открытом списке Динамической помощи ввода;
- Исправлена ошибка, связанная с переполнением стека, возникавшая в определенной среде;
- Исправлена подпись кода сборок, все бинарные файлы теперь имеют двойную подпись;
- Улучшен диалог учетной записи (исправлены орфографические ошибки, улучшена стабильность);
- Состояния кнопок панели инструментов: Шрифт, Жирный, Курсив и Подчеркивание - теперь соответствуют статусу рабочего листа (редактируемый/только для чтения);
- Поведения программы в режиме только для чтения улучшено (контекстное меню, нажатия клавиш, нажатие/перемещение мыши в выбранном элементе листа);
- Связь с корневым сервером теперь более безопасна (вместо TLS 1.0/SSL 3 используется TLS 1.3/1.2).
- Слоганы приложения на заставке переработаны;
- Лицензионное соглашение обновлено до последней версии (11 сентября 2023 г.);
- Стабильность программы повышена за счет внедрения разработанной улучшенной инфраструктуры тестирования перед выпуском обновлений.
Версия 1.0.8348 - Стабильная (опубликовано 09.11.2022)
- Calculation engine improved to support inline evaluation of the function definitions - x:=2; f(x):=x^2=4;
- Selected values of the Insert Matrix dialog is now stored during a session;
- Cursor in the Math Region partially works as a selection (i.e. it is now possible to copy or use Solve menu without selection);
- Dynamic Assistance feature improved - suggestions list item shown selected only if it is explicitely selected by user, otherwise shown highlighted.
- Issues with Dynamic Assistance feature fixed;
- Indefinite integral visual representation fixed;
- Critical issue fixed happened on file opening in case of specific issue in the worksheet.
- Extensions Manager tool improved for better support of high DPI systems;
- Default representation of if function reverted to three arguments (if-else);
- Support for account password in console mode is corrected: instead of reading it via an option, it is read either from keyboard or from redirected input;
- Account form improved to show activation mode and status;
- XMCD plug-in removed from the standard installer;
- Viewer options dialog size corrected for better UI;
- Commercial features (like Viewer Pro, Automation/Integration features, etc.) made more separate in UI;
- Support of different cultures improved;
- Interface translations updated;
- Refactoring.
Версия 1.0.8253 - Стабильная (опубликовано 06.08.2022)
- Doubleclick on the unit placeholder (at right-hand side of the calculation result) opens Insert Unit dialog with suggested dimension now;
- Go to Definition command opens Insert Unit dialog with unit/dimension details when applicable now;
- Units dialog improved to display unit definition;
- Approximately not equal operator implemented.
- Closing of the Worksheet when file saving is required fixed;
- Observations happens in some cases with Approximately Equal operator when comparing small numbers fixed;
- Command line functionality restored.
- Window with empty Worksheet is now automatically closed on open a file (no empty documents are generated now);
- Refactoring.
Версия 1.0.8238 - Стабильная (опубликовано 22.07.2022)
- Handling of the conversion related exceptions significantly improved;
- Word wrapping improved for TextRegion;
- Dynamic assistance list rendering improved;
- Description added for Clear(..) function;
- Added possibility to login into Account or retreive Account related information without UI using command line (-a cmd argument to get info and in combination with -o to perform login: "Username=XXXX;Password=YYYY").
- Unhandled exception fixed happened in some cases when using DEL in MathRegion;
- Support for trace(...) with replacements restored;
- Approximately Equal operator corrected to work with 0;
- Miss-spelling fixed.
- Checkbox for service installation removed from MSI wizard;
- Interface translations updated;
- Refactoring.
Версия 1.0.8206 - Бета (опубликовано 20.06.2022)
- if(..) function extended to support any number of arguments more or equal to 2;
- Approximately Equal operator implemented (Options dialog extended with an appropriate setting; button added to the Boolean toolbox);
- Defined Integral supports units now;
- Rendering of the text improved in program dialogs;
- Electron-volt (k, M, G, T) unit added;
- Sleep function added allows to suspends the current thread for the specified amount of time specified in milliseconds;
- Proxy settings implemented.
- Numeric calculations with units corrected in cases when final result is equal to zero.
- Startup of Desktop version is made faster in the environments where access to printer is slow;
- High DPI support improved;
- Displaying of the previews improved in Insert Function dialog;
- Offline login logic corrected;
- Settings dialog refactoring;
- SMath LLC code certificate issued and included into repository.
Версия 1.0.8151 - Стабильная (опубликовано 26.04.2022)
- Description of the functions inside Insert Function made formattable;
- Beta version of the calculation service implemented;
- Added support for offline activation (QRCode + manual) to log in into SMath Account even without Internet connection.
- Fixed error on file Save happens in some cases (related to dependencies list).
- Russian End User License Agreement updated;
- Donations dialog removed;
- SMath Writer icons not created by the installer (application is still available in the installation directory and file types associations are still active);
- SMath Studio installer UI updated;
- Interface translations updated;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7921 - Бета (опубликовано 07.09.2021)
- SMath Studio splitted to SMath Solver & SMath Writer;
- Application icons and splash screens updated;
- Separate set of icons created for supported file formats;
- *.smw file type introduced for SMath Writer documents;
- Autodetection of units input implemented in TextRegion.
- Fixed critical issue happens on snippet adding.
- Cursor in MathRegion is now hidden if selection is shown;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7822 - Стабильная (опубликовано 31.05.2021)
- Width of the Horizontal Rule fixed inside a Text Region when working within a Worksheet;
- Rendering of the Fields corrected inside Text Region (affects printing and not focused Regions);
- Pages rendering fixed when Page Break is a last item of the Document.
- Interface translations updated.
Версия 0.99.7818 - Бета (опубликовано 28.05.2021)
- SMath Viewer apps extended to support Save/Open functionality (allows to load initial data to the app and extract calculation results from it);
- Text Region improved to accept input from right toolbar buttons and Insert Function dialog;
- Equation parts can now be pasted to Text Region from Clipboard (can be turned/off/on using conext menu: Automatic replacement > Clipboard).
- Locale related issues fixed in Math Region (appears on paste and when it is shown inside Holder Region, f.e. as a part of Plot Region);
- Handling of the plug-ins failed to be updated automatically improved;
- Math Region prioritized to handle Paste from Clipboard operation first.
- Support for Document mode improved (Page break Area Region made invisible; inactive area under the page break is not highlighted by color anymore);
- Text Region improved (better handling of Backspace; better back-compatibility; critical issues fixed);
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7813 - Бета (опубликовано 23.05.2021)
- Search improved for all Regions based on Holder Region like all Regions for plotting and some others;
- DEV: Added support for plug-in which can manage input/output calculation data;
- TextRegion improved to support right padding for paragraphs (manual edit of file required).
- Functionality of the importData(9) function restored;
- Default font size and family are preserved for Text Region in a Worksheet/Document now;
- Displaying of several windows of previewed SMath Viewer is fixed for cases when Regions selected on a Worksheet;
- Fixed issue when Plot Region handles operation of pasting text from Clipboard;
- Calculation error with not recognized variable happens when its name contains decimal symbol fixed;
- Freezed answer happened after copying Math Regions using Ctrl+Mouse move fixed.
- SMath Studio updated to make TextRegion not critically required plug-in;
- Minor improvements to TextRegion (selection, context menu);
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7808 - Стабильная (опубликовано 17.05.2021)
- Detailed description added in the Account dialog.
- Fixed content error happens during copy/paste inside TextRegion when working with content contains Regions;
- Behavior of save to Viewer dialog corrected.
- Program startup speed improved;
- Interface translations updated;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7804 - Бета (опубликовано 14.05.2021)
- Added ability to enable/disable compression of the Viewer output assemblies (may help to reduce false positive detection by AV).
- Incorrect cursor position fixed in Math Region for situations where multiplication operator automatically added before unit.
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7803 - Бета (опубликовано 12.05.2021)
- Displaying of the progress improved in Splash screen;
- Interface translations updated.
Версия 0.99.7802 - Бета (опубликовано 12.05.2021)
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- Automatic update of the plug-ins on program start after installation of the new SMath Studio version implemented;
- Search Panel extended with the following options: Case sensitive, Whole word only, Exclude disabled, Exclude invisible;
- Text Region improved to support pasting Images/Regions from clipboard.
- Critical issues happens on unexpected DoubleClickTime value provided by system fixed;
- Generating executables with SMath Viewer fixed.
- Text Region stability significantly improved;
- Logic of line height setting improved for Text Region;
- Mouse cursor mode corrected for Text Region on mouse move with Ctrl/Shift button pressed;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7799 - Бета (опубликовано 08.05.2021)
- About dialog improved: links to author/developer projects provided.
- Issues with selections on the Worksheet/Document fixed;
- Work with SMath Account refactored;
- Support for non-standard DPI screens improved.
Версия 0.99.7792 - Бета (опубликовано 02.05.2021)
- Multiple improvements performed in Search functionality (better support in MathRegion; critical issues fixed; better support for search in Descriptions and Area/Separator; automatic scrolling in Document mode);
- Cursor movement corrected while the mouse pointer is between the pages in Worksheet mode.
- Scrolling to cursor improved in Worksheet mode;
- Several text encoding related issues in MathRegion fixed;
- Worksheet/Document autoscrolling enabled during work with selection inside a Region;
- Minor improvements performed for scrolling;
- Switching to Header/Footer by doubleclick fixed for the Worksheets contains Separator Region and background set;
- Text encoding related issue fixed in Plot Region.
- Interface translations updated;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7786 - Бета (опубликовано 25.04.2021)
- Critical error happened sometimes on editing Document fixed;
- Performance issue experienced with Worksheets/Documents containing Header/Footer fixed;
- Cursor movement corrected while the mouse pointer is between the pages in Document mode.
Версия 0.99.7785 - Бета (опубликовано 24.04.2021)
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- SS-4650:Loading plug-ins from the Network location allowed now (this fixes issues happens sometimes after copying plug-ins between computers).
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7783 - Бета (опубликовано 23.04.2021)
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- SS-4661: Displaying ellipsys for large matrices fixed for results when Optimization set to None;
- Saving of the Worksheet previously opened without all required plug-ins loaded will not loose a data anymore.
- MathRegion moved to a separate plug-in;
- AreaRegion moved to a separate plug-in.
Версия 0.99.7778 - Бета (опубликовано 18.04.2021)
- Rendering Font Styles fixed on Linux.
- Account menu is now supported in Linux;
- Interface translations updated;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7774 - Бета (опубликовано 13.04.2021)
- Worksheet Author field automatically filled in with a name from Account for new Worksheets/Documents;
- Ctrl+Enter allowed in TextRegion inside Worksheet now - adds a paragraph to the text;
- Inserting lists allowed in TextRegion inside Worksheet now;
- Interface translation to Hindi added.
- Changes to fix encoded terms text related issues in Math Region and Plot Region (including representation in Viewer);
- SS-3566: Automatic scrolling to the focused description text corrected;
- SS-4601: Lost of options on copy/paste of MathRegions fixed;
- Crash on start in Linux fixed - Account menu removed from version for Linux;
- Critical issue happens sometimes on text pasting fixed in Text Region.
- Handling of mouse click out of Region bounds improved in Document mode;
- Interface translations updated.
Версия 0.99.7769 - Бета (опубликовано 08.04.2021)
- Account menu item added to UI: allows to log in using smath.com credentials to unlock additional features;
- Full version of the SMath Viewer is available based on Account status now.
Версия 0.99.7739 - Бета (опубликовано 10.03.2021)
- Possibility to specify/change text restored in SMath Viewer.
- Issues related to usage of Delete/Backspace in TextRegion fixed.
Версия 0.99.7736 - Бета (опубликовано 07.03.2021)
- Loading of Area Titles and Region Description fixed;
- Handling of incorrectly used BR tag in TextRegion fixed;
- Critical error sometimes happened in TextRegion near line break fixed;
- Better control of Field content implemented for TextRegion;
- TextRegion functionality improved (history vs Children Regions, stability, performance).
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7691 - Бета (опубликовано 20.01.2021)
- Automatic replacement context menu item added to TextRegion;
- Search in TextRegion significantly improved;
- Text Region: Show all characters context menu item added.
- Visible special XML symbols fixed in Text Region;
- Issues related to work with ordered/unordered lists fixed.
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7684 - Бета (опубликовано 13.01.2021)
- Document mode: Support for ordered/unordered lists added.
- Blinking tooltips on status bar items hovering fixed.
- Document mode: Handling of complex formatting significantly improved;
- Using of Area Region Text for Viewer execution file generation restored;
- Selection logic improved in TextRegion;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7681 - Бета (опубликовано 10.01.2021)
- Fixed critical errors happened sometimes on file open.
- Creating of new Regions using Insert menu in Document mode fixed;
- Children Regions rendering improved;
- Automatic replacement improved for MathRegions;
- TextRegion: Text selection rendering improved;
- Changing text formatting now affects on children Regions in the selected range.
Версия 0.99.7679 - Бета (опубликовано 09.01.2021)
- Issue related to pasting into Regions which contains description fixed;
- Printing when grid rendering enabled fixed;
- Critical issue rarely happens on file with specific Region types opening fixed.
- Different improvements made for Document mode;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7666 - Бета (опубликовано 27.12.2020)
- Support to format content fragments added in Text Region (font size, font family, font weight; font style, text decoration, text color, background color, lines interval, paragraphs in Document mode);
- Added possibility to restore automatic line breaks mode in Text Region by doubleclick on resizer.
- Critical error happened sometimes when using Del keyboard button in Math Region fixed.
- Smart auto replacement functionality implemented for Text Region in Document Mode (f.e. inserting --- finalized by Enter will be replaced with horizontal rule; filling in equation in text will be detected as well);
- Horizontal/vertical align toolbar buttons made hidden in Document mode;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7632 - Бета (опубликовано 22.11.2020)
- Experimental support of new Document mode implemented;
- Added ability to select Custom Region PlugIn which will be used in Document Mode;
- Scaling mode is saved between sessions now;
- The following auto scaling modes added: page width, content width, full page;
- gf (Gram-force) unit added;
- Picture Region automatically scale drag'n'droped image according to available page width;
- Preview in SMath Viewer menu item added to Tools menu;
- Added support for Regions with custom line breaks;
- Support for page breaks added for Container Regions;
- "Break on pages bounds" menu item added to Text Region (option turned on by default for new documents).
- Better support for broken Worksheet files implemented;
- Hidden exceptions fixed in SMath Viewer applications;
- Rendering of text improved (the same content looks more similar on screen and on print out);
- Multi-threading issues fixed in MathRegion and TextRegion;
- Disable/enable evaluation for Area Region when auto-evaluation disabled fixed.
- DEV: Line breaks is supported now for custom Regions (IRegionWithLineBreaks interface);
- DEV: Added possibility to extend SMath Studio with menu item in File, Edit, Tools or Help drop-down of main menu;
- Code cleanup;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7610 - Стабильная (опубликовано 31.10.2020)
- Program start up speed significantly improved;
- The following units added: klx, μT, mT, klm, μWb, mWb;
- Toolbox icons vectorized;
- Cloud: SVG icons for toolboxes in supported now;
- Better support implemented for OS dark mode.
- Support for high dpi systems restored;
- importData() function improved to support special chars in path;
- Ohm unit representation fixed for Russian localization;
- Android: Scaled images supported now;
- Android: Filling in a text is fixed for some onscreen keyboards;
- Working with images on Linux fixed (save/open, copy/paste);
- Color of the underlined text corrected;
- Text which contains link shown underlined again;
- Toolbox icons made visible on Mono;
- Export to PDF fixed on Linux;
- Cloud: All units/function selection fixed into insert dialog;
- Splash screen layout fixed on Linux.
- Worksheets rendering quality normalized between Mono and .Net frameworks;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7579 - Стабильная (опубликовано 30.09.2020)
- It is possible to set global Font Name/Font Size/Text Color/Background Color for the document/program using appropriate selectors in the main toolbar;
- Better support for Del keyboard button implemented within MathRegion.
- SS-4642: Crash on startup in Linux fixed;
- Rendering of the underlined text corrected;
- Logic of collecting of dependencies during calculation improved to log required plug-ins on worksheet save.
- Interface translations updated.
Версия 0.99.7561 - Стабильная (опубликовано 13.09.2020)
- Errors of updated Symbolic Engine fixed;
- Using of context menu items fixed (double action avoided);
- Underlined text rendering in TextRegion corrected (for white spaces).
Версия 0.99.7542 - Бета (опубликовано 24.08.2020)
- COUNT and PAGENUM fields improved to allow setting up an offset for the output number;
- Alignment context menu item added to TextRegion;
- TextRegion improved to support changing Line spacing using context menu.
- trunc() function does not accept units in the argument anymore;
- Empty Heder/Footer supported now;
- Basic behaviors of the TextRegion improved (text selections);
- SS-4612 Line wrapping significantly improved in TextRegion;
- Fixed "There is no xml start tag" issue happens when self-closed tag of the Region was included into *.sm(z) file;
- Functionality of the " " (space) key fixed in case when no plug-in for Text Region is available;
- equrep() function supports variables/functions replacements now.
- Support for .Net Core 3.1 implemented (app is still released supporting .Net 2.0 for now);
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7251 - Бета (опубликовано 08.11.2019)
- Calculation error introduced in previous beta version fixed in symbolic engine;
- Calculation performance improved;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7250 - Бета (опубликовано 07.11.2019)
- SS-4620: Scrolling of the focused Plot Region cannot accidentally scroll the whole document anymore.
- SS-4613: Formula item in Insert menu is translated + shortcut corrected for different environments;
- Symbolic engine improvements;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7219 - Бета (опубликовано 07.10.2019)
- Arial made a default font for Text Region.
- Changing font Familty and font size for several selected Regions fixed;
- Fixed exception happens on some environments when rendering font names in font selector;
- Fixed issue related to empty Descriptions on file open;
- Select All supported inside embedded Regions now.
- Worksheet files layout updtaed to be supported by earlier SMath Studio versions;
- The following functions allows to calculate 0^0 now: sum(4), product(4), eval(1);
- Situations with unwanted change of font options fixed.
Версия 0.99.7204 - Бета (опубликовано 21.09.2019)
- Toolbar items added: Font Name, Bold, Italic, Inderline.
- Switching chars from English to Greek and vice versa (Ctrl+g) corrected for MathRegion if Fields and/or unicode chars used inside.
- Toolbar items rearranged and behaviors improved;
- Switching chars from English to Greek and vice versa (Ctrl+g) implemented for children Regions;
- Copying Regions contains children Regions using Ctrl+mouse move fixed;
- Rendering of children Regions improved so they better integrated into the container Region content;
- Special characters mode made applicable for children Regions;
- It is now possible to debug and use breakpoints in the children Regions;
- Children Regions stability improved.
Версия 0.99.7202 - Бета (опубликовано 19.09.2019)
- SS-4603: Index out of bounds issue fixed happened sometimes on displaying calculation results;
- Back-compatibility improved for worksheets which contains TableRegion with custom options;
- Work with big and small numbers improved;
- Dialog for installing required plug-ins implemented for children Regions;
- Text formatting shortcuts supported for children Regions now.
Версия 0.99.7201 - Бета (опубликовано 19.09.2019)
- Fixed loading/saving files which contain descriptions for evaluable Regions;
- Result is above max allowed number error fixed;
- Export to SVG fixed.
Версия 0.99.7200 - Бета (опубликовано 18.09.2019)
- TextRegion improved to support custom width and automatic text wrapping;
- Children Regions support implemented for Text Region (now it is possible to add Regions, including evaluable ones, inside a Text Region);
- Keystroke added to Math Region to insert: Alt+= - it allows to add Math Region (very handy to use inside Text Region);
- Text Region performance significantly improved;
- SS-3499: Text Region significantly improved (performance, stability, issues with underlined text, not accuracy cursor location, etc);
- Units placeholder at the end of Math Region reserves additional space only in focused state;
- Support for nanohenry unit added;
- Files loading performance improved;
- Math expressions rendering accuracy improved;
- Large regions support improved for No bounds page mode;
- Fatal error fixed happened on copying extremely large regions;
- Generating SVG files corrected to allow to use several generated files on the same web-page;
- SS-3541: Issue when not all symbols of the selected text was affected during Copy/Delete/Cut operation fixed;
- Critical issue on start up in silent mode fixed;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7109 - Бета (опубликовано 19.06.2019)
- Support for single non-linear unit set as denominator added.
- Rendering of diff(3) function improved.
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7100 - Бета (опубликовано 10.06.2019)
- Fixed rendering issue when Math Region is invisible on the Worksheet until next invalidation;
- Application freeze happens during Math Region rendering fixed;
- Math Region rendering glitches happens on pasting equation parts from clipboard fixed;
- Scrolling over fucused Region fixed for situations when multiple pages functionality active;
- Resistence for broken Worksheet file structure improved;
- DEV: SMath.Drawing and SMath.Environment libraries made separate (namespaces moved from SMath.Manager/SMath.UI). Working to release SMath.Drawing as a separate Nuget package.
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7097 - Бета (опубликовано 07.06.2019)
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- Scrolling over fucused Region fixed for situations when multiple pages functionality active.
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7089 - Бета (опубликовано 30.05.2019)
- Multi-threading related error fixed;
- Visibility of the variable restored inside TextRegion (for back-compatibility with existing plug-ins).
- Calculation speed improved;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7087 - Бета (опубликовано 28.05.2019)
- Added export of the Worksheet to SVG image.
- Application crash fixed for some environments on evaluation initiated;
- Rendering of sys() function improved;
- Instabilities happened sometimes with Worksheet rendering when document is not in Pages view mode fixed.
- Calculation speed improved;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7067 - Бета (опубликовано 07.05.2019)
- Function for(3) corrected to work with undefined elements inside;
- Improvements for numeric optimization done.
- Glitches of math equations drawing fixed when using breakpoints;
- Interface translations updated;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7053 - Бета (опубликовано 24.04.2019)
- Horizontal scrollbar is now invisible when it makes no sense for opened document;
- Number of search matches and index of currently shown match displayed right on the search panel now.
- Search improved to look up for matches in Area titles;
- Backward compatibility improved for Multiple Pages functionality;
- Application crash happened when search match found in Region which is shown on several pages at the same time fixed for Pages view;
- Issue when duplicated chinees symbols appeared on input fixed;
- Minor improvements made for symbolic calculation library.
- Performance of handling complex functions significantly improved;
- Symbolic claculation engine observation fixed (exception about string format is not correct);
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7045 - Бета (опубликовано 16.04.2019)
- Performance of rendering Worksheets with large Regions (when height or/and width bigger than Worksheet bounds) significantly improved.
- Support for Regions with height larger than available Worksheet Page height significantly improved in Pages rendering mode;
- Automatic disabling of Multiple pages feature for the old-style Worksheets (when content is written out of pages bounds) implemented;
- Graphical glitches fixed;
- Support for complex document layout improved;
- Behavior of the Page Setup dialog improved;
- Added possibility to work with Collapsed Areas in Header/Footer;
- Multiple accuracy issues fixed in symbolic calculation engine;
- Overall calculation accuracy improved.
- Splitted view functionality temporary disabled;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7030 - Стабильная (опубликовано 31.03.2019)
- Insert matrix dialog improved to allow switching from rows box to columns pressing arguments separator on the keyboard;
- Rendering of Worksheet Pages when Multiple Pages turned on improved.
- Calculation accuracy improved for power and boolean equal operators;
- Location of the Worksheet Pointer corrected on adding new Worksheet Page by click;
- Hotkeys for Greek phi symbols restored to be the same as ones introduced initially;
- Fixed issue with generating random file name on using splitted window feature;
- Application crash fixed happened sometimes when using splitted windows;
- Possibility to disable evaluation for Area Region restored.
- UI performance improved;
- Tooltip text shown on Worksheet scrolling corrected for complex document layouts;
- Minor improvements to Insert Function dialog;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7016 - Бета (опубликовано 18.03.2019)
- Text Region improved to have full support for Fields;
- Fields can be used in Area title and Regions Description now.
- Displaying of full-page background images corrected in Printing Bounds document mode;
- Rendering of the Documents changed for Pages View and Printing Bounds document modes when backround image is set (full document pages shown in this case);
- Search results update when search box becomes empty corrected;
- Support for Unicode chars improved to avoid double encoding of the Unicode entries;
- Work with Worksheets where content is written out of bounds of the logical Pages (in non-Pages mode) fixed;
- Switching between pages when Headers/Footers in edit mode improved for situations when Headers or Footers content differs on different pages;
- Errors displaying corrected in case of inline calculation of the definition requested.
- Automatic switch to special characters mode removed for Math Region;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.7005 - Стабильная (опубликовано 07.03.2019)
- Double click on Debugging data panel items will scroll to the item definition now (context menu also extended with Go to definition item).
- Functionality to show focused Region over all others on the page restored.
- Added possibility to disable single application instance feature (add line SingleInstance=0 into settings.inf file);
- Error handling improved during opening Worksheets;
- Automatic scrolling did not work during jumping between Search results;
- When Pages View were disabled regions shown between print pages were not shown correctly.
Версия 0.99.7003 - Стабильная (опубликовано 05.03.2019)
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- The following symbols added to Greek symbols: script theta and phi (technical);
- Added ability to select multiple Regions by pressing Shift + Left/Right/Up/Down keyboard buttons.
- SS-3571: Selection of Area title on single mouse click fixed;
- Tooltips with shortcuts restored on the Greek side panels (will be shown on hover by mouse);
- Issue when part of the content selected on Region focus fixed;
- Support for the Worksheet splitted view improved.
- Error messages improved;
- General improvements related to Multiple Pages functionality;
- Interface translations updated;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.6995 - Бета (опубликовано 25.02.2019)
- Search functionality improved (current found Region is shown, Shift+F3 allows to show previous found Region, collapsed Areas automatically expands to show next found Region when required).
- Changes in Header/Footer cannot initiate Worksheet recalculation anymore;
- File not found error appeared sometime on attempt to open interactive Reference book fixed.
- SS-4587: Functions dialog exceptions happens after changes in extensions fixed;
- Support for single instance of the application improved when opening files from shell (minimized SMath Studio will restore automatically to show opened Worksheet);
- Tooltip displaying corrected in Multiple Pages mode of Worksheet rendering;
- Loading files contains regions with spaces fixed;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.6988 - Бета (опубликовано 18.02.2019)
- Single instance of application is used for all files to open from shell now;
- Paper selected in Page Setup dialog can be set as default now;
- Insert Function and Insert Unit dialogs extended to display count of plug-ins and functions/units.
- Copy/paste works in Header/Footer now.
- Page Setup dialog improved to make Use by default button enabled only if values displayed in the dialog differs from the ones stored as default settings;
- Loading performance improved (in case of many third-party plug-ins installed);
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.6984 - Бета (опубликовано 14.02.2019)
- Added ability to clone regions by Ctrl+Dragging by mouse inside Header/Footer.
- Insert Function dialog performance significantly increased;
- SS-4583: Worksheet rendering issue fixed.
- Regions movement related issues fixed;
- Overall application stability increased;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.6982 - Бета (опубликовано 12.02.2019)
- Added possibility to display multiple pages side by side if there is enough horizontal space on the screen (in order to control this feature Multiple Pages menu item added to the View menu);
- Added ability to specify behavior on calculation error occurs: Continue (default), Pause or Interrupt;
- Added ability to change math variable by pasting text from Clipboard.
- Incorrect cursor position sometimes happened after paste (depending on localization settings) fixed;
- SS-3572: Possibility to interrupt calculation manually improved.
- Several minor graphical glitches fixed;
- Error message location corrected on Worksheet scrolling;
- Overall application stability increased;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.6977 - Бета (опубликовано 06.02.2019)
- SS-4582: Crash on Interrupt processing when Pause on error enabled fixed;
- Error on Reference book opening fixed;
- Automatic Worksheet scrolling when user moves pressed mouse cursor close to Worksheet bounds restored;
- Scrolling to focused region and to current worksheet cursor position restored;
- Performance of loading large Worksheets improved (up to x3);
- Number of pages value dynamically updated in application status bar during large Worksheet opening (convenient to understand current progress);
- Step in button disabled on Worksheet open/save operations now.
Версия 0.99.6975 - Бета (опубликовано 05.02.2019)
- Pause on error feature implemented (available in Calculation menu);
- Displaying of disabled regions improved;
- Disabled regions displayed on the vertical scrollbar now.
- Detecting exact error location improved;
- SS-4581: Rendering of the systems with large amount of items fixed;
- Interface translations updated;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.6970 - Бета (опубликовано 31.01.2019)
- Part of the equation which causes an error is highlighted now;
- It is now allowed to move regions within Header/Footer on all pages (previously it was possible on the first page only).
- Moving regions between pages (with incorrect vertical position after region drop) fixed;
- Rendering of the worksheet improved for small zoom values;
- Support for evaluation plug-ins improved.
Версия 0.99.6965 - Бета (опубликовано 25.01.2019)
- Support for evaluation plug-ins improved.
- Math toolbar improved to support high dpi environments;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.6964 - Бета (опубликовано 24.01.2019)
- Added ability to click on and focus regions displayed over the other ones (usually it is some small region located in the bounds of the another big one, like a label moved over the plot);
- Worksheet rendering speed improved;
- Support for high DPI environment improved;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.6962 - Бета (опубликовано 22.01.2019)
- Dynamic Assistance updated to support high DPI;
- Support for different Header/Footer for specific Worksheet page fixed;
- Invalidation errors fixed on regions/cursor moving;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.6956 - Бета (опубликовано 16.01.2019)
- Position of the Header/Footer labels when Header/Footer in edit mode on the high DPI environment fixed;
- Loading of Worksheets with protected collapsed Area regions from file fixed;
- Initial auto-calculated Worksheet zoom factor not shown in UI anymore;
- High DPI support improved;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.6955 - Бета (опубликовано 15.01.2019)
- Added support for high DPI environment (application is not blurry anymore).
- Read-only Picture Region loading from file fixed;
- Page Up, Page Down, Home and End keyboard commands restored;
- Horizontal Worksheet scrolling improved;
- Possibility to use mouse wheel inside Regions restored.
Версия 0.99.6954 - Бета (опубликовано 14.01.2019)
- Use by default button added to Page Setup dialog;
- User is able to specify default pages orientation using Page Setup dialog;
- Added ability to delete empty worksheet space together with selected Regions using Shift+Del, Shift+Backspace or Shift+Ctrl+X.
- Opening files contains Custom Regions fixed.
Версия 0.99.6953 - Бета (опубликовано 13.01.2019)
- Legacy scaling mechanizm replaced with a modern one (in order to reuse scaling approach introduced for Android, iOS, UWP);
- Adding of Regions before collapsed Area fixed;
- Graphical glitches happens on switching Pages View mode with editable Header or Footer fixed;
- Extra space on the bottom of the Worksheet in Pages view mode standardized (not depend on the specified Page Model anymore);
- All usages of smath.info domain name replaced with smath.com;
- Support e-mail corrected in languages translations;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.6884 - Стабильная (опубликовано 06.11.2018)
- Work with high-quality backgrounds optimized (overall performance improved).
- Issue related to integration/units fixed;
- Grid steps made smaller for Header and Footer;
- Interface translations updated;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.6877 - Бета (опубликовано 30.10.2018)
Версия 0.99.6873 - Бета (опубликовано 26.10.2018)
Версия 0.99.6858 - Бета (опубликовано 10.10.2018)
Версия 0.99.6839 - Стабильная (опубликовано 22.09.2018)
- Matrix transpose fixed for nested matrices;
- SS-3535: Installation of the plug-in which was previously removed fixed;
- Functionality to delete plug-in which was just installed (without program restarting) fixed;
- Greek symbols not shown on tools palette on Linux fixed.
- Duplicated Insert menu items fixed;
- Support for Linux environment restored;
- Interface translations updated;
- Refactoring.
Версия 0.99.6831 - Бета (опубликовано 14.09.2018)
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- Prepared to update SMath Studio API used by plug-ins.
Версия 0.99.6824 - Бета (опубликовано 07.09.2018)
Версия 0.99.6823 - Бета (опубликовано 06.09.2018)
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- Prepared to update SMath Studio API used by plug-ins;
- CI improvements.
Версия 0.99.6671 - Стабильная (опубликовано 07.04.2018)
Версия 0.99.6670 - Стабильная (опубликовано 05.04.2018)
Версия 0.99.6661 - Бета (опубликовано 28.03.2018)
Версия 0.99.6654 - Бета (опубликовано 21.03.2018)
Версия 0.99.6648 - Бета (опубликовано 15.03.2018)
Версия 0.99.6647 - Бета (опубликовано 14.03.2018)
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Версия 0.99.6646 - Бета (опубликовано 13.03.2018)
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Версия 0.99.6638 - Бета (опубликовано 05.03.2018)
Версия 0.99.6633 - Бета (опубликовано 28.02.2018)
Версия 0.99.6626 - Бета (опубликовано 21.02.2018)
Версия 0.99.6622 - Стабильная (опубликовано 17.02.2018)
Версия 0.99.6619 - Бета (опубликовано 14.02.2018)
Версия 0.99.6617 - Бета (опубликовано 12.02.2018)
Версия 0.99.6611 - Стабильная (опубликовано 06.02.2018)
Версия 0.98.6606 - Стабильная (опубликовано 01.02.2018)
Версия 0.98.6604 - Бета (опубликовано 30.01.2018)
Версия 0.98.6598 - Бета (опубликовано 24.01.2018)
Версия 0.98.6593 - Бета (опубликовано 19.01.2018)
Версия 0.98.6591 - Бета (опубликовано 17.01.2018)
Версия 0.98.6590 - Бета (опубликовано 17.01.2018)
Версия 0.98.6588 - Бета (опубликовано 15.01.2018)
Версия 0.98.6585 - Бета (опубликовано 11.01.2018)
Версия 0.98.6584 - Бета (опубликовано 10.01.2018)
Версия 0.98.6580 - Бета (опубликовано 06.01.2018)
Версия 0.98.6528 - Бета (опубликовано 15.11.2017)
Версия 0.98.6523 - Бета (опубликовано 10.11.2017)
Версия 0.98.6522 - Бета (опубликовано 09.11.2017)
Версия 0.98.6520 - Бета (опубликовано 07.11.2017)
Версия 0.98.6515 - Бета (опубликовано 02.11.2017)
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Версия 0.98.6484 - Стабильная (опубликовано 02.10.2017)
Версия 0.98.6470 - Бета (опубликовано 18.09.2017)
Версия 0.98.6437 - Бета (опубликовано 16.08.2017)
Версия 0.98.6398 - Бета (опубликовано 08.07.2017)
Версия 0.98.6356 - Бета (опубликовано 27.05.2017)
Версия 0.98.6354 - Бета (опубликовано 25.05.2017)
Версия 0.98.6353 - Бета (опубликовано 24.05.2017)
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Версия 0.98.6325 - Бета (опубликовано 26.04.2017)
Версия 0.98.6179 - Стабильная (опубликовано 01.12.2016)
Версия 0.98.6128 - Стабильная (опубликовано 11.10.2016)
Версия 0.98.6123 - Бета (опубликовано 06.10.2016)
Версия 0.98.6122 - Бета (опубликовано 05.10.2016)
Версия 0.98.6103 - Бета (опубликовано 16.09.2016)
Версия 0.98.6096 - Бета (опубликовано 09.09.2016)
Версия 0.98.6089 - Бета (опубликовано 02.09.2016)
Версия 0.98.6083 - Бета (опубликовано 27.08.2016)
Версия 0.98.6081 - Бета (опубликовано 25.08.2016)
Версия 0.98.6080 - Бета (опубликовано 24.08.2016)
Версия 0.98.6077 - Бета (опубликовано 21.08.2016)
Версия 0.98.6075 - Бета (опубликовано 19.08.2016)
Версия 0.98.6073 - Бета (опубликовано 17.08.2016)
Версия 0.98.6071 - Бета (опубликовано 15.08.2016)
Версия 0.98.6060 - Бета (опубликовано 04.08.2016)
Версия 0.98.6049 - Бета (опубликовано 24.07.2016)
Версия 0.98.6047 - Бета (опубликовано 22.07.2016)
Версия 0.98.6046 - Бета (опубликовано 21.07.2016)
Версия 0.98.5997 - Бета (опубликовано 02.06.2016)
Версия 0.98.5990 - Бета (опубликовано 26.05.2016)
Версия 0.98.5983 - Бета (опубликовано 19.05.2016)
Версия 0.98.5981 - Бета (опубликовано 17.05.2016)
Версия 0.98.5973 - Бета (опубликовано 09.05.2016)
Версия 0.98.5953 - Бета (опубликовано 19.04.2016)
Версия 0.98.5952 - Бета (опубликовано 18.04.2016)
Версия 0.98.5951 - Бета (опубликовано 17.04.2016)
Версия 0.98.5950 - Бета (опубликовано 16.04.2016)
Версия 0.98.5935 - Стабильная (опубликовано 01.04.2016)
Версия 0.98.5932 - Бета (опубликовано 29.03.2016)
Версия 0.98.5928 - Бета (опубликовано 25.03.2016)
Версия 0.98.5921 - Бета (опубликовано 18.03.2016)
Версия 0.98.5918 - Бета (опубликовано 15.03.2016)
Версия 0.98.5914 - Бета (опубликовано 11.03.2016)
Версия 0.98.5910 - Бета (опубликовано 07.03.2016)
Версия 0.98.5908 - Бета (опубликовано 05.03.2016)
Версия 0.98.5905 - Бета (опубликовано 02.03.2016)
Версия 0.98.5904 - Бета (опубликовано 01.03.2016)
Версия 0.97.5890 - Стабильная (опубликовано 16.02.2016)
Версия 0.97.5737 - Стабильная (опубликовано 16.09.2015)
Версия 0.97.5581 - Бета (опубликовано 13.04.2015)
Версия 0.97.5576 - Бета (опубликовано 08.04.2015)
Версия 0.97.5575 - Бета (опубликовано 07.04.2015)
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Версия 0.97.5346 - Стабильная (опубликовано 21.08.2014)
Версия 0.97.5329 - Стабильная (опубликовано 04.08.2014)
Версия 0.97.5327 - Бета (опубликовано 01.08.2014)
Версия 0.97.5301 - Бета (опубликовано 06.07.2014)
Версия 0.97.5288 - Бета (опубликовано 24.06.2014)
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