Версия 0.99.7542
Бета (опубликовано 24.08.2020)
Автор: Андрей Ивашов
- COUNT and PAGENUM fields improved to allow setting up an offset for the output number;
- Alignment context menu item added to TextRegion;
- TextRegion improved to support changing Line spacing using context menu.
- trunc() function does not accept units in the argument anymore;
- Empty Heder/Footer supported now;
- Basic behaviors of the TextRegion improved (text selections);
- SS-4612 Line wrapping significantly improved in TextRegion;
- Fixed "There is no xml start tag" issue happens when self-closed tag of the Region was included into *.sm(z) file;
- Functionality of the " " (space) key fixed in case when no plug-in for Text Region is available;
- equrep() function supports variables/functions replacements now.
- Support for .Net Core 3.1 implemented (app is still released supporting .Net 2.0 for now);
- Refactoring.
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