Автор: ООО "ЭсМат". Создано в рамках проекта SMath. Опубликовано пользователем smath.

Скачать SMath Studio 0.99.7579

Версия 0.99.7579
Стабильная (опубликовано )
Автор: Андрей Ивашов


File icon msi Windows installer of SMath Studio Размер: 2 МиБ
Installation package for computers running Windows OS. 25874 из 1657152 загрузок


File icon gz Mono package of SMath Studio Размер: 1 МиБ
Application package to use with Mono runtime. 5719 из 323069 загрузок



  • It is possible to set global Font Name/Font Size/Text Color/Background Color for the document/program using appropriate selectors in the main toolbar;
  • Better support for Del keyboard button implemented within MathRegion.


  • SS-4642: Crash on startup in Linux fixed;
  • Rendering of the underlined text corrected;
  • Logic of collecting of dependencies during calculation improved to log required plug-ins on worksheet save.


  • Interface translations updated.

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