View Issues:
 IdTitleVotesCategoryCreatorOwnerAssignedTypeMilestoneAffected MilestoneStatusPriorityResolutionDue DateEstimation (hrs)ProgressTime Logged (hrs)CreatedLast UpdateLast Update User
SS-4699What does niclosamide do? 1 Examples Limson Bros Limson Bros smath Feature General General In progress High Fixed none 0.00
0 4/20/2024 4/20/2024 Limson Bros
SS-4694Vidalista 20mg | An Effective Medication for ED | Arrowrxpills 1 Extensions Bruce Bruce smath Feature General General Waiting for review High Unassigned none 0.00
0 1/25/2024 9/14/2024 David Smith
SS-4660incorrect handling of negative temperatures 1 Calculations brotjob brotjob smath Bug General General Waiting for review High Unassigned 5/31/2021 10.00
0 4/14/2021 4/14/2021 brotjob
SS-4649File does not open 1 Calculations yakumo yakumo smath Bug General General Waiting for review High Unassigned none 0.00
0 11/6/2020 11/6/2020 yakumo
SS-46430_99_7579.Mono on Linux: missing symbols on the sidebar. 2 Unassigned Mike Mike smath Bug General General Unassigned High Unassigned none 0.00
0 10/1/2020 10/1/2020 Mike
SS-4638unexpected type conversion upon numeric evaluation 1 Calculations Martin Kraska Martin Kraska smath Bug General General Waiting for review High Unassigned none 0.00
0 6/15/2020 6/15/2020 Martin Kraska
SS-4636Spurious floating point ops in symbolic evaluation 1 Calculations Martin Kraska Martin Kraska smath Bug General General Waiting for review High Unassigned none 0.00
0 3/11/2020 3/11/2020 Martin Kraska
SS-4632Al iniciar sale el mensaje "Smath Studio presento un problema de debe cerrarse" 1 User Interface edwin edwin smath Correction General General Waiting for review High Fixed 2/1/2020 0.00
0 2/1/2020 2/1/2020 edwin
SS-4629calculation errors depending on OS digit grouping symbol 1 Calculations Davide Davide smath Bug General General Waiting for review High Unassigned none 0.00
0 1/23/2020 1/23/2020 Davide
SS-4624strrep() should evaluate arguments before complaining about wrong type 1 Calculations Martin Kraska Martin Kraska smath Bug General General In progress High Unassigned none 0.00
0 11/22/2019 11/26/2019 smath
Show rows:   1 - 10 of 35